DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY 255 sem oy _ Pr hw Pure once again, Douglas College is eftering a suamer workshop for tne voice students im the area. It 1s designed as a short but comprehensive course in the art of singing. Ken Perry is a graduate of Juilliard School of Music and Teachers College, Columbia University, where he received his Master's Degree in Music Educatiqn.s Practically a native of this areca, he was instru- mental in establishing these summer workshops three years ago at Douglas College. ivery vocalist should be able to understand and interpret music effectively. the subjects listed below attempt to provide the means of accomplishing these objectives. SIGHT READING AND EAR TRAINING The ability to sing diatonic melodies unaccompanied and more complex melodies accompanied is the objective of this subject. GRADE I RUDIMENTS This subject area provides the beginner with an elementary understanding of theory — OR GRADE TII HARMONY Pre-requisite Grade IT An elementary study o- Sine ek PFuUULINGMNCSs of harmony. VCCAL CONCENTRATION Concentrates on the technique ‘of singing. (“CAL REPERTOIRE Emphasis is placed on the study of romantic and contemporary music. Emphasis is placed on baroque music. Section Jes Section 2: Bach student réceives a weekly 45-minute lesson with Mr. Perry. These subjects may be taken individually where seating permits at the cost of $20 per course (exclusive of private lessons). To reqister, apply in person at one of the following Admissions Offices: - 8th Avenue & McBride Boulevard New Westminster - 926. 140th Street Surrey = 745 Elmbridge Way Richmond You may also register by completing the mail registration form on the opposite page. For further details, contact the Music Department, $21-4851, or Continuing Educaticn Programmes, 588-4411. ee enn yh aR TI at em Sn Eb Breas