[%. Sted as saréing their eli: ua ee to unre. in < Master's Programme. (Minimum standarz: 72% average in the lust two years of undergraduate work, with six ts rst class marks.) Mature students who have graduated some time ago special consideration to be given to their cases. St vden Bee Mut past Se i rend wets. Of the Faculty of Graduete wos: heb SUPE OES - Because it is an ac’.nc2i ccurse, no University funding wil! be pro~ vided for students. It is aaticipate” that they will seek paid leave from their posts in the health services or will apply for National Health Grant Fellowships, Provincial Professional Training crants or for international scholarships. There may, however, be some opportunities for earning in residency programmes in local hospitals or regional district authorities during the summer before the second year. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PROGRA?LMIE The progratunc is planned over two academic years. ...3 time-span may be shortened by 6 umits for students who have already studie: some titan Che University avout ixrroveuent of part-time study opportunities, it thes2 are the present requiremen::. Intend ing students who hrve not corpletred che prerequisite courses may enrol to take these on a sart-tir. basis oetore seeking entry to the full-time prozramme. Creu.i iy be given within the Fac.:> of Medicine. Students will be required to take other courses in the Department of Economics and in the Faculty of Commerce and busin s> Administration. They may also elect to take courses in other Faculties or Department:. PREREQUISITES It is anticipated that students will ':.-- prepared tnhecielves, at ast to some extent, in their first degree and protessioncl training courses to start on this programae. There ere four prerequiste courses, two of which may be taken for eredit concurrently with the rest of the programme in the first year: (a) idatroduction to clinical medicine (clinical sessions: chp sstatistics (c) sociecloczy or social psycholucy (¢) micro-econonics