Friday -gala opening reception for "ARTS ALIVE", refreshments, by invita- March lst tion. & p.m. -group exhibition in the Arts Centre Gallery. Saturday -2nd annual CLAY DAY. A participation event with demonstrations by March 2nd local potters, a wood Raku firing, films & slides. 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. -exhibition in the Arts Centre Gallery. Sunday -East Indian films (Hindi with English subtitles). 4:30 p.m. March 3rd -Surrey Painting and Crafts Club begins their exhibition in the Gallery. Runs to the 9th. Monday, March 4th - SARA Tuesday -Surrey Arts Society meeting. 8 to 8:45 p.m. March 5th -SCAN (Survey of Canadian Art Now). The public is invited to view slides of 72 individual artists then choose those of which they would like to view in depth, after which time 19 more slides of each u.rtist can be shown. 9 p.m. to ll. Thursday -gala opening of "ANNE OF GREEN GABLES", Western Canadian Produc- March 7th tion premier. Vancouver area actors and musicians. Directed by Dorothy Jones; musical support by Douglas College Music Depa tment . Admission $2.59, $1.50 & $1 under 12 years of age. 8 p.m. Friday, March 8th - "ANNE OF GRZEN GABLES". 8 p.m. Saturday -Lower Fraser Valley highland dance quarterly competition, 10 a.m. March 9th to 4 p.m. -"ANNE OF GREEN GABLES". 8 p.m. -Music dance "Old Time". White Rock Masonic Hall. Refreshmerts. Adults $1. 6:30 p.m. -Surrey Secondary schools begin their exhibition in the Gallery. Runs to the 18th. Sunday -SSMEA (Surrey School Music Educator's Association) presents a Music March 10th Matinee. 2 p.m. -Dance Night: Latin and ballroom dance performances, demonstrations and competition. 8 p.m Monday -SSMEA. Music from School District #36. Junior and Senior High March llth School concert bands, stage bands, combos, choral groups and guitar ensembles. 7:30 p.m. Tuesuay, March 12th - SSMEA. 7:30 p.m. q.