Did you receive this card? Keep the voter information card you received by mail from Elections Canada. It tells you where and when to vote. You'll get through the voting process more quickly if you have it with you. If you haven't received it, or if you found an error in your name or address, please phone your local Elections Canada office. You'll find the number at www.elections.ca by clicking on “Voter Information Service”. On Tuesday, October 14, vote. A federal general election is taking place on October 14, 2008. Where and when to vote? Advance voting You can vote before election day. Advance voting will be held Friday, October 3, Saturday, October 4 and Monday, October 6, from noon to 8:00 p.m. Locations of advance polling stations appear on the back of the voter information card. You can vote by mail or at your local Elections Canada office using the special ballot if you make the request by 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 7. To download the registration form, go to www.elections.ca and click on “I'm Mailing My Vote!", or cail Elections Canada to obtain the form and information. Vote. Shape your world. Do you know the new identification rules to vote? When you.vote, you must prove your identity and address. For the list of acceptable pieces of identification authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, please see the pamphlet you received by mail from Elections Canada or visit www.elections.ca and click on “Voter Identification at the Polls”. To vote, you must: * be a Canadian citizen * be at least 18 years old on election day * prove your identity and address www.elections.ca 1-800-INFO-VOTE y TTY 1-800-361-8935 1-800-463-6868 toll-free in Canada and the United States, or 001-800-514-6868 toll-free in Mexico for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, toll-free in Canada and the United States, or 613-991-2082 from anywhere in the world Elections Canada THE OTHER PRESS IS HIRING! > ASSIST IN WRITING NEWS STORIES > RESEARCH ORIGINAL STORIES ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR GREAT WELL PAID! ILLUSTRATOR > ORIGINAL STYLE WANTED > MUST BE GOOD WITH DEADLINES PERIENCE! Contact Liam Britten at editor.otherpress@gmail.com