Hamlet and cheese for lunch? The Douglas College Theatre Department and their first year Shakespeare Company, brought a touch of ‘’Cul- ture’’ to our performance theatre Wednesday afternoon. Under the direction of Gwyneth Harvey, they performed a Shakespearian ‘‘mosaic’’ including scenes from The Taming of *400. PURCHASE OR LEASE ALLOWANCE DIRECT FROM FORD HOUR Shakespeare BREAK Phone TOLL FREE for complete information: 1-800-387-5939 (112-800-387-5535 IN B.C.) OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 1986 Drive away a 1986 Ford or Mercury! Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited - Ford Credit Canada Limited - Oakville, Ontario L6J 5E4 The Other Press the Shrew, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet. The variety made the show fast paced and exciting. If you missed this one, be sure to keep your eyes open. The department’s next major pro- duction will be a comedy, The Would- Be Gentleman’’, by the French Play- wright:Moliere. It should be good. BY CATHY CROCKETT COLLEGE GRADUATE PURCHASE OR LEASE PROGRAM SPECIAL CREDIT TERMS FORD CREDIT February 28, 1986 Page 15