Sma cary eGo Sed Ore coin ea SES Nyend kN aes UNCER ONO, Olly OCG eG Shean Sh tote thn eae st lye yah h » PAGES __ THE OTHER PRESS _ LAST ISSUE 83 Be Sure The Effort You Put Into Your Essays, Re- ports, & Resumes Shows. Call 536-0161 PDQ SECRETARIAL SERVICES Stples for the 80’s for men & women pr aces Term Papers............ Thesis Letters Resumes Misc 20% df for Douglas College students fo Pee oeeereesesesesesseseeseseeeseseses Appointments not always necessarp 644 6th St, St. Netw Westminster 522-1117 or 522-6530 The Pacific Northwest In- stitute of NLP presents Met- aphor Workshops on Janu- ary 6,7,&8 at The Granville Island Hotel lead by the well known David Gordon call 879-9920 or 875-8904. ROCKIN’ TONITE LIVE ROCK BANDS EVERY NIGHT ( Behind the 57 BLACKIE ST. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. Old Spagheui Factory) — 522-0011 & ae eat pose 2WNWOpeecce., MONDAYS Jam Sessions Featuring the Best Rock Musicians TUESDAYS Sweet Dreams Contest $ 250.00 in Cash Prizes WEDNESDAYS Golden Treasure Nite $ 1000.00 in Gold Jewelry Given Away THURSDAYS Douglas College Nite Student Specials % LIQUEUR | He Gand Cl Din of the Sel : No Cover Charge Mondays thru Thursdays Ladies Free Always i) Any way you like it— ) on the rocks, with orange juice or your favourite mix— Southern Comfort is the one and only! QLLUTUHUUU CHT UUOTUEAAOORROOGRGRREOGOUOUEGOU O11 10TH UOUOOEOOEOOOOROREEEOAUUUNT APPEARING THIS WEEK | NOCONTROL HAQUDAUA AUT LAVAOAGUUADAORBRBORORODRAOEAUD EULA UINNUUCUOADOEARANORNOONOELE Open Mon. to Sas. from 7:00pm. til 2:30am. Southern Comfort. Its special taste made it famous. Send for a free Recipe Guide: Southern Comfort Corporation, P.O. Box 775, Place Bonaventure, Montreal, Quebec HSA 1E1.