issue 31// vol 46 rey tet tes eae tee Be) Turmoil in the city on the hill » Race struggles in the USA Matthew Fraser Opinions Editor here is a land that exists in the minds of many. It’s a land of boundless opportunities and freedom. It’s a place where the only thing separating one from prosperity and serenity is time and effort. It’s a land that many of its denizens continue to describe as the “shining city on the hill”, this place doesn’t seem to exist for roughly 13 percent of its population. The description given by some African Americans in the USA as well as many of the people who claim to speak for African Americans is a place of loss, fear, and hopelessness. Yet for all of the ardent vocalizations, some white Americans don't see this separation between black America and its white counterpart. With the understanding that these are the extreme camps, for some white people the streets are filled with black pain, and for others black suffering is inconsequential and mostly self-induced. There lies an eternal problem between the black voter and their frequently white political leader: it’s the problem of pandering and misunderstanding. Worse still is when the problem escalates into outright neglect. When Joe Biden said “If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black” he reinforced the notion that Democratic leaders have taken the black vote for granted. Indeed, the fact that a white politician felt comfortable enough to explain what actions were suitable for black people to engage in underlines the idea that Democrats believe the black vote belongs to them and is something to be demanded as fealty at every election. After the murder of George Floyd galvanized the American population and sparked riots, the sitting president felt the need to state that “[.../These THUGS [those there to riot—not protest] are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won't let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts” in a tweet pledging military support to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Nothing could have further illustrated to black voters how far from potential understanding the president is. Though there is no doubt that arson is illegal, it is a by-product of peaceful protests being struck down or even ridiculed that people feel that they must destroy the very building that houses their oppression. A president that says “The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire. These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal,” to armed protesters wanting a state (Michigan) to reopen after COVID-19 (granted there was no bloodshed or rioting) while suggesting state violence against those riot-ready peaceful protesters who feel their cries have No fun under COVID-19 » Closing mass gatherings is one thing—extending it to cars at a drive-in is unscientific Craig Allan Staff Writer ast month I went to the Twilight Drive-In Theatre in Langley for the first time in years. I hadn't gone recently because it’s so far out in the suburbs and | am often busy, but in this COVID-19 world where entertainment and fun is hard to find— especially at night—the drive-in has become a light in the darkness. I have wanted to go back again, even more so now that they are running classic movies like Jurassic Park and Jaws, but I have been unable to get a ticket due to every show being sold out almost immediately when the tickets become available. Any future trips to the drive-in, or any drive-in-like event in BC has likely been crushed by Chief Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry. On Sunday, she stated the change that dictates that there will be no mass gatherings of 50 people or more has been modified to include that there will be no more than 50 cars at events. On the night when I went to the drive- in, I found the crowd to be very respectful of social distancing. They were spread out with only one car per two car spots, people were staying in close proximity to their vehicles, and when I went to get popcorn, the concession area was completely empty. Considering how I have felt going into grocery stores and walking through my local park, | felt safer at the drive-in than in most places I have been since the pandemic started. Now, I'll admit that I have not been supportive of the practically hero worship level of love Dr. Henry has received during this pandemic, but I have mostly agreed with her decisions on restricting the spread of the coronavirus. Only allowing 50 cars for avenue like this is a bridge too far though. Dr. Henry has even admitted that “there is no science to this,” acomment referring to the exact number of 50 people (or vehicles) as the choice for the limit. The amount of people in those cars is not factored in, and there seem to be so many exceptions to this ordinance. One example is the mini-doughnut drive-thru at the PNE fairgrounds, which saw hundreds of cars bumper to bumper to pick up doughnuts from one location. I’m sure vehicles with more than one person didn't stay in their cars through that whole thing, and they also can't be sure that the contactless delivery service model they had could avoid transmission of the virus. Also, nobody needs PNE mini doughnuts in order to live, so why is this event okay while a similar event like the drive-in is viewed as a petri dish for disease? There was no inciting incident to show that the groups that go to drive-ins are unmanageable, and overall BC is doing a good job at flattening the curve with new cases coming in the always been ignored sides not with justice or the greater good of America, but an order based off of conditioned white comfort and directive. “Sir, I'm asking you to stop recording me. (Please don’t come close to me.) Please take your phone off. (Please don’t come close to me.) Then I'm taking pictures and calling the cops.” Nothing could have softened the video of a flustered Amy Cooper vowing to call the police and tell them that an African American man was threatening her life after he refused to stop recording her. There was nothing to hide the intended malice. There was no mask to cover the rage that motivated her to fake urgency and fear in order to summon the police force to punish a black man for giving her orders. In that moment Cooper must have seen the police as the only reasonable punishment for a black person stepping out of place. It seems like for decades the police have been the go-to tool for white malice against the black audacity to live outside of TV screens and entertainment venues. Worse still, is that to the cynical eye police have been willing to show up and deal out punishment on demand. Thusly, in the consideration of race relations in America (at least relations between white Americans and black Americans) some single digits many days—so why can’t we have our reasonable fun? Some may look at this and say “chill out, it’s a drive-in, who cares,” and looking at tweets from people like Global News correspondent Keith Baldrey invalidating these concerns, clearly some think that this issue is little more than a petty trifle—but I disagree. For one, more drive-in like events were looking to get established at the PNE fairgrounds and other places. Now it appears that it is not going to happen because there is no way they can make money off just 50 cars with no combined food sales. Also, I think there are far more risks at parks and forest trails than there are at drive-in events, but Dr. Henry’s not similarly pounding the table to close all parks and trails. L x 4 iL & > c 3 2 a Dd £ 2 al a _ 5 Oo o a Uo - 6 , O £ ° £ a are left thinking that black Americans are short on friends in power and short on friends in the street. Amy Cooper was a registered Democrat who had donated to a number of official causes, yet that did not stop her from falsifying a police report to punish a black man who wanted to keep recording her with his phone. Joe Biden is the Democratic presidential candidate and yet he seems to believe that the black vote is his by right and that his entitlement looms large enough to determine who is and who ain't black. There are fears that the justice system will deal Derek Chauvin (the police officer charged with Floyd’s death) a most charitable and unjust hand, and with the way history in similar cases has borne out, it’s hard to say that’s unfounded. Indeed, it looks to me as if race relations in America are only slightly ahead of the 1992 LA riots, or their successor the 2014 Ferguson riots. In my eyes the city on the hill is shining because it is burning once again. Illustration by Udeshi Senaviratne We are living in a modern day Footloose. Here is something that is taking the doldrums out of this pandemic, and is giving people a reason to have fun—especially at night when options are incredibly limited. And here comes Rev. Shaw Moore, aka Dr. Bonnie Henry, (metaphorically) saying “people having fun... we can’t have that” and shutting down the place with no evidence that it will lead to a spike in COVID-19 numbers. These kinds of decisions are dangerous, because I believe that it will make people take these social distancing protocols less seriously and lead people to congregate. To paraphrase a common saying: “when everything's against the law, nothing’s against the law.’