THE 7 RANS1 ¢ ENT'S GUIDE To LowER MAINLAND wn a, # na | didn't choose the title of vagabond—rather, it was chosen—for me. Throughout 2016 wire | was " my final year of postsecondary Oe wow times‘ It hadn't been intentional. Wasn't sitting there on New Year's Eve : eat upon a resolution to move as many times as there are square meals in a TO SURVIVE day. And yet, a new personal-high score for moving was set. your NEXT MOVE The first move was a heartbreaking renoviction, where a landlord evicts the tenants AND T ’ to conduct renovations and (assumiedly) jack up the rent. The second move was by HE NEXT ONE, choice, after my aca roommate repeatedly left the door to our basement suite ANO THE NEXT ONE unlocked, even after T was robbed. Frustrated and owning several electronic devices fewer than | had when | moved into the place, | put the Inajority of my things ips n storage, and retreated to a sublet. The third move was to m current place, marked the end of what many of my friends referred to as hy year a vagabond. BY SACEY oIBB, It's not like my transient lifestyle is uncommon amon st young people. Almost everyone | kno has moved tl least once in the last oVeat Fncluding my good DISTRIBUTION friend and former Other Press Life & Style editor Sophie [sbister. MANAGER "| would sometimes move into situations that were less than ideal because ! was experiencing home insecurity," said Isbister, who has tied my high score of three moves in one year. “When you're concerned about having a root over your head at all, yout just pick any roof [..] My mom used to accuse me of picking the very first place that | looked at. and she’s‘ right. That's probably why I've had to move so much, but you kind of just have to pick the first place that isnt absolutely horrible." In total, {'ve moved seven times in the last seven years. Across provincial borders, from Vancouver to Burnaby and then back to Vancouver. to basically down the street. I've acquired and dismantled enough moving boxes to build a formidable kingdom, and |'m still in my 20s. With a housing market as volatile as the one here in the Lower Mainland, movin frequently is simply a way of life. Rent at your current place will increase out 0 your budget. properties will switch hands,’and landlords will hand out renoviction notices, dr maybe you'll outgrow the mouldy basement suite you were nay thankful to find. NO one enjoys the process of moving—theré's even a word Tor that: tropophobia, or the fear moving or makin cans: ut I've assembled advice from myself and a couple other part-time vaga onds to help you get through your next move, oF several. } N\ \ With the date of an upcoming move saved i A calendar, one of the fist uestions you need oe Peres . if you hi gong to ask friends to help you move. y 5 an awkward situation to be in. Even pou rather be doing anything else on heit test ot pals he ping you lug your personal ea s from one location ip a ler, but Chances are they will because that's how riendships work. Or you can do what Isbister did back in the early 2000s, and turn to the Internet for support. “One time, all of these people helped me m 4 t ove an net them before,” recalled isbister. “| had tons of aa ene on this blo ging website, LiveJournal, and lots of them lived in Vancouver but we'd never met up. I'd twisted my ae and | was moving out of my boyfriend’s place after é if Peta so | put olt on my LiveJournal that | needed elp, hoping that some of my friends that | knew in-person would help, but these people that | only knew through LiveJournal came out and they totally helped me move.” A simple post on social media ac ill suffici count will sufficiently get the word out that you need help, but di ing 4 £0 } , but direct of close friends is ust as ete Y asking a Couple If you're not moving a ton of things and you’ i ou're able-b tdrecommend suc ing it up, askitg to aera a Hons Me or SUV, and complete the move in a few solo trips you own a lot of stutf (including heavier items), then you might need to enlist a friend or two to aid you. Just remember that if someone helps you move, you're legall obligated to treat them to pizza and beer as a thank-your