ODEO PRN ae er IE aN PI ta eta nine nia ination ae OR A TIO AS NOIRE: = ONE 9 TERN CRETE BERIT 6 APPLE MICROCOMPUTER ’ Because of the availability of Apple microcomputers in the College, the library has found it necessary to establish a library policy for the purchase and organization of computer programs. The policy is as follows: LIBRARY COMPUTER PROGRAM POLICY Computer programs, whether in printed form or machine read- able form, and the accompanying manuals will be treated as any other library material. In practice, this will mean that the following policies regarding library materials will apply: 1. Purchase: All computer programs to be purchased from Library funds will be approved by the Materials Selection Committee. Where appro- priate, two copies of the manuals will be purchased, one to remain with the program and one to be placed in the general Gircul— ating collection. 2. Cataloguing: All computer software, regardless of purchase budget source, to be housed in and admin- istered by the Library, will be catalogued. 3. Circulatton: Commercial programs purchased and licensed for a particular machine will be for use on that machine only and will not circulate. In most cases, programs not requiring machine license agreement will not circulate; however, requests will be assessed by the Campus Librarian. 4. Copyright: The copyright and machine licensing agree- ments on all computer programs will be honored. Duplication of the programs for public use will only be done with the permission of the copy- right holder. One "back-up" copy of the pro- grams and the manuals will be prepared but withheld from public use. ... Janice Friesen UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY IN BRITISH COLUMBIA POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION _ Applications are invited for the position of Director of Research of the British Columbia Forecasting Committee (BCFC). This organ- ization of universities, colleges and institutes in the province is engaged in various research projects designed to provide plan- ning information for educational administrators. -Knore=-