Mad Hatter Page 2 DOUGLAS COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Time 8:30-4:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-10::30 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-12:00 12:00-1:30 1:30-2:30 2:30-3:00 3:00-4:00 4:00- ? Tuesday, May 8, 1984 AGENDA Place Theatre Foyer Theatre Foyer Performance Theatre Theatre Foyer Performance Theatre Performance Room 4243 Room 4245 Theatre Foyer Room 4243 Room 4245 Lower Cafeteria Activity Publishers book displays on all day in the foyer. (See note below*) Coffee "Initiative: The Silent Resource" by Dr. Jack Scharf, Chairman of the Development Division of Kelsey Institute of Applied Arts and Sciences, Saskatoon Coffee Faculty response to Dr. Scharf's talk, by Jay McGilvery, Social Sciences Department Rejoinder by Dr. Scharf, followed by open group discussion and questions Lunch Break Concurrent Sessions I A. "Does the Community College have a Future?" by Dr. Scharf or B. "Meetings, Bloody Meetings" by Ann Frost Coffee Concurrent Sessions II A. "Making educationally sound decisions- designing instruction" by Eugene Hrushowy or B. "Recognizing learning disabilities in the classroom" by Sherry Ladbrook Wine and cheese party with Henry Waak on the piano *The publishers’ book displays will be set up in the theatre foyer all day. The range of materials will include academic, remedial, vocational, business The representatives have been invited to the wine and and ESL books. cheese party at the end of the day. é