seems to be to provide constant purchasing power to the colleges and the institutes System over the next three years, providing the system can show clear gains in product- ivity over that time. This announcement by Dr. Fisher came as a very welcome surprise, and is fully consistent with our recommended approach to the Ministry contained in our Five-Year Plan. With the positive frame of mind engendered by this. announcement, I am confident that the College will be able to demonstrate increasing productivity, and significant program development to serve its communities. Our Five-Year Plan was delivered to the Ministry on the date specified, and is un- dergoing assessment at this time. We will be receiving initial word on Ministry reac- tions to our plan tomorrow, with more de- tailed discussions to occur in late August or early September. Donald Commission on the Canadian Economy of the Future. Dr. Paul Gallagher of Capilano College was requested to convene a group to with government involvement in economic de- velopment and the post-secondary education systems of the country. Dr. Gallagher in- vited me and a number of others to partici- pate with him in a workshop on July 19. The discussion proved to be most stimulating. I will be providing copies of the results of our thinking to the College community in August. C. INTERNAL MATTERS - EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT of Community Resource Development Officer were interviewed. The position has been of- fered to Ms. Randi Duke - a candidate who capacity to carry out the functions of the mendations. Ms. Duke will commence employment with the College on September 1. I intend to have and elsewhere as required in order to famil- iarize herself with activities in other col- leges. The ACCC is making a presentation to the Mac- develop a section of the presentation to deal From July 7 - 14, candidates for the position demonstrated an outstanding understanding and task, and who has been given very high recom- Ms. Duke spend some time at Malaspina College I will be introducing Ms. Duke to the Mad Hatter Page 2 = _ ee Board at their regular meeting of Septem- ber 15, 1983. | I have had a meeting with Dr. B.E. Wales | regarding the Institutional Self-study which we will be carrying out in 1985/86. | In this connection, I will be presenting | a proposed plan of action and organization to the Management Committee in September, | and in due course to the Board. | D. INTERNAL MATTERS - LABOUR RELATIONS Negotiations with the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association are in suspension un- til September. In the meantime, the pre- sent contract remains in force. The BCGEU held a strike vote on Monday, July 11, which was approved by a majority of the membership. Accordingly, the Col- lege has been served with a seventy-two hour strike notice. The College has ap- plied for mediation, and we have een in- formed by the Mediation Commission that that application has been accepted. | | Proposed public service and educational ly- related legislation has dominated discus- sions within the College administration and the unions over the past two weeks. Communication continues to be open. | E. INTERNAL MATTERS - GENERAL On June 27, a very successful farewell bar-' becue was held for the visiting Quebec Students. f am told that this summer's | exchange visit was highly successful. | On June 28, the Adult Basic Education graduating classes at Maple Ridge held an informal luncheon and presentation cerem- ony. Mrs. Casher represented both the School District and the Board, and Mr. Al Atkinson presented the awards and certifi- cates. On June 30, an informal farewell reception | was held for Mr. Ed Redmond. I expressed gratitude to Mr. Redmond for his work on behalf of the College over the past five years, and especially latterly, the Offic- ial Opening, and the development of the first College Strategic Plan. Members of the Board should note that the