To: From: All College Personnel = o> Special Edition Bill Day Introduction (cont) The Specified Assumptions stated by the Ministry are found on Page 1 of the Summary Notes attached, listed as Item I.- 4. The Institutional Assumptions are to be derived from information contained in the "Environment Scan" as described on Page 2 of the attached Summary, Section III. - A. - 2. Our problem, as always, is to live according to our philosophy of full information, and opportunity for advice and criticism through our governance system, while at the same time meeting externally imposed deadlines. Because of their fundamental importance, the "Specified Assumptions" which form the foundation of the Strategic Plan, will be circulated in draft form in the immediate future to the entire College. Response to the "Specified Assumptions" and our proposed institutional stance regarding these Assumptions will be welcomed within a period of two weeks of circulation. The Deans will be endeavoring to obtain comment and advice from the Division Curriculum and Planning Committees in this regard, but ad-hoc responses from individuals and other groups within the College are welcomed. These responses should be addressed to Ed Redmond, Assistant to the President. Following receipt of the combined advice, a final proposal will be approved by the Editorial Committee, which in turn will be reviewed by the Education Policy and Planning Committee of the College and the College Board. Meanwhile, planning processes will go on, subject to change based on the advice of EPCO and the final decision of the College Board. From time to time other key documents will be circulated to the entire College in draft form, and again will be subject to comment and review within a two-week time frame following circulation. The last page of the documents attached to this memorandum indicates a time-line of activities drawn up by Ed Redmond and approved by the Editorial Board. The original documents are available to any member of the College community, and we urge you to read them, because of their importance to tertiary education in British Columbia and to this institution. Please contact Ed Redmond for clarification or information. Because of the high level of uncertainty in our environment, and the understandable anxieties resulting from that, I am declaring a College Assembly between 12:30 and 2:09 p.m. on Thursday, February 17, in the Performing Theatre.