NOTICE TO ALL STAFF A Steward's Workshop will be held: NEW WESTMINSTER, ROOM 103 17-18 SEPTEMBER - 7-10pm Bob Moore, Education Officer for the B.C.G.E.U. will be conducting these meetings. All staff are invited to attend. So, if you want to know what the Union is all about, please try to attend. The more informed staff members we have, the greater the possiblity for our success as a local of the B.C.G.E.U. and as a cohesive unit of Douglas College employees. THE EXECUTIVE LOCAL 62, B.C.G.E.U. | earn To PA tea Mer No. 33E Masthowtlint 4” . Ethe hw (eter, “25 AGW. Deserivtion News Release (Aug. 7/75) - A national environmental photographic contest is being co-sponsored by the federal Dept. of the Environment and Canadian Photo Annual magazine to encourage interest in protecting Canada's environment. Prize winning photographs may be used by the department in exhibitions, posters and booklets, and also will be published in the 1976-77 edition of the magazine. The winner of the grand prize, which is being donated by Environment Canada, has two choices: a two-week course at the Banff School of Fine Arts on High Country Photography, which will involve field trips above 10,000 feet in the Rockies, or a 12-day course in Nature Photography with Freeman Patterson at Shampers Bluff, N.B. Prizes will be awarded for photographs in 20 categories which range from man's impact on the environment to songbirds. Pictures may be black and white or color, and there is a limit of ten photographs per entrant. All photographs must have been taken in Canada. Deadline for entries is December 31 and they should be submitted to Environment Canada Photo Contest, Information Directorate, Ottawa K1A OH3. Entry forms for the contest and a complete list of categories and prizes appear in | Canadian Photo Annual 1975-76. Copies of this magazine can be purchased in newsstands and camera stores. ! Additional entry forms can be obtained by writing to ' Canadian Photo Annual, 481 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5W 1A7. A complete list of categories, prizes, and donors is attached to the Release. (News Release available from the Dept. of the Environment, Fontaine Bldg., Hull, Quebec K1A OH3, tel. 997-2159).