“Good God, Harry! This tree seems to be made of tightly rolled paper!” TRENDS TRENDS o Xerox Corp. now has patents for an aerosol spray that renders printed information in- visible to copying ma- chines, thus preventing pirating and stealing of secret documents. The trick is a dye which fluoresces under the bright flash of a copy- ing machine, resulting in blank paper. o Inflation in Canada in March was exactly 1%. This is a compounded annual rate of 13.8% which makes dubious the Steady predictions from government economists that inflation will not exceed 8% in 1974. Well, that's better than the 65% rate in South Vietnam. i i t cost “Pll tell you what I see in the dancing flames. I see logs that cos ” o There are not nearly ’ ninety-five dollars a cord, that’s what I see. enough women executives and managers in business. Strong federal legislation is expected in 1974 to set examples for provincial 80vernments and industry. Costs and shortage of heating fuels have produced extraord- inary demand for chimmey clean- ing services. People are open- ing up fireplaces they haven't used in 25 years in order to ensure at least one warm room. A survey of 3,228 bank directors discloses a median age of 59, 17% over 70 and 7% over 75, and concludes that "dir- ecting a bank appears to, contribute to longevity. Wow! o A survey of long- distance moves shows 21,777 Canadian house- holds relocated in another Canadian city in 1973, up (24.52) from 17,493 in 1972. o Business failures are way down in Canada; March 1974 failures were only 58% of March 1973. o Zero-sum-game theory provides the following im provement on the policy of quid pro quo ( tit for tat). Give your adversary all the little tats and keep the big tits for yourself. o Finagles' Principle, ("reconcile desired re- sults with actual results") has raised social science to its present eminence. A more powerful combination is to follow an application of Finagles' Principle with Dobbins Law ("use a bigger hammer"). — 4» About 40% of all graduates with bachelor's and pro- fessional degrees are women, but promotions do not reflect these propor-— tions. o A report on Ontario's economic and cultural nationalism prepared by Kates, Peat, Marwick & Co states: "two-thirds of manufacturing firms with $25-million or more in assets are foreign owned (measured in terms of assets)- and foreign owner- ship of firm assets in this category appears to be growing about twice as fast as Canadian owmership." x