To: All Faculty & Staff From: Supervisor, Personnel Administration Re: Postal Codes Just a reminder that we would like your postal code. Let's be prepared for the time when the use of the postal code becomes mandatory. We would appreciate your sending your postal code to the Personnel Office, including your name and home address to ensure we have your most current address. Forms were to go out with the end month pay cheques, but please supply the information even without the form if necessary. Your co-operation will be appreciated. Ns Ss ALLL "WOMEN'S LUNCHEON" PLACE: TOP OF THE ROYAL TOWERS DATE: May 7; 1974 TIME: 12315 P.M. WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE THIS AN ANNUAL WIND-UP LUNCHEON. A GOOD REPRESENTATION FROM ALL THE WOMEN FACULTY AND THE STAFF LADIES WOULD MAKE THE LUNCHEON A SUCCESS. PLEASE CONTACT EITHER LYNDA TURNER - SURREY OR MAYME FURBER N.WEST. LOCAL 227 AS WE MUST LET THEM KNOW HOW MANY TO CATER TO. "ALL LADIES ARE INVITED SO COME ONE COME ALL" NEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS SURREY CAMPUS RICHMOND CAMPUS LET US HAVE A CONTEST TO SEE WHICH CAMPUS WILL HAVE THE MOST PRESENT.