As yet another semester gets rolling, the trusty Other Press staff are dusting off our keyboards and getting back to kickin’ out the weekly mish-mash that makes up our beloved campus newspaper. Believe it or not, this is our 30th year of publication. Oh how time flies. It seems like yesterday we were laying out the 25th anniversary issue. Much like Saturday Night Live, we just keep coming back year after year, with- fluxuating quality and an ever rotating staff. I’m happy to say that this season we’re looking particularly strong with some hot new sketches. If you’re new to Douglas this year, I urge you get in the habit of reading this fine publication right off the bat. We hit the stands every Thursday and try to make each issue an interesting read that’s readily equipped to kill time on your commute to school, during bathroom breaks, or even that misguided History class that you never should have signed up for. We’ve got a few changes in the works including a few new columns and several new section editors to bring in some fresh ideas. Essentially, we are here to serve you. This is a paper by the people, for the people so to speak. So if there’s something you'd like to see in these pages, feel free to drop me a line directly and pass your feedback along. I can be contacted at It’s also high on our to-do list to bring some new students into the fold. We’re anxiously seeking-out talent to join the ranks of the OP cult. As you’ll see on the following pages, the paper contains news, sports, opinions, features and an ever swelling amount of A&E coverage. If you’ve got something to say, or just want to experience the mystical world of student journalism, I urge you to get involved. We’re also look- ing for some arty folk to assist with illustration and cartoon submissions. There are two ways to get this process started. First off, attend one of our weekly meetings. We gather at 6pm sharp every Thursday down in the OP office in room 1020 and we’re always happy to see some new faces. This is the best way to weigh your contribution options. Alternately, figure out what section of the paper interests you and email that section editor directly. If you find yourself at a loss for direction, feel free to contact me for some input. You can find all necessary email addresses in the masthead on the inside page of every issue. You will find the editors are more than willing to assign stories, or allow you to write on a topic that interests you. As a card carrying member of the Canadian University Press organi- zation, I can assure you that there’s a lot more to this student newspaper thing than you might imagine. A host of regional and national confer- ences take place every year, as does the opportunity to see your work published in campus papers across the country. Further to that, we offer the chance to work on your writing skills, as well as the opportunity to gain experience in editing, graphic design, newspaper layout, photogra- phy, advertising sales, beer drinking, and the lost art of the Lambada...yes, that’s right, the forbidden dance. Anyway, enough of this waffle. Let’s get to the issue. It’s time to get this party started. Live From Douglas, It’s The Other Press! Editor-In-Chief Trevor Hargreaves