The United States is the Worst Country Ever / RIGHT HOOK GOES LEFT CROSS \ JJ. McCullough, OP Columnist used to be a pretty conservative guy, I but these days it’s hard not to be won over by the left when you look at the massive war crimes that are being routinely perpetrated by that idiot in the White House. America has always been a criminal nation guilty of atrocities worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Genghis Khan combined, but this current regime has got to be one of the most bloodthirsty of all time. Ever since Karl Rove rigged the voting machines in Ohio to steal the 2004 elec- tion (by the way, has anyone seen John Kerry lately? I’m just saying his absence is suspicious), the so-called “President” Guest Cartoonist - George W. Bush 8 | Bush has been waging one of the most systematic wars against human rights, democracy, and freedom in modern histo- ry. And I am a 20-year-old college student, so obviously I am well qualified to make sweeping generalizations about what has happened in the last several decades. Did you see that “election” in Iraq? It made Bush’s own sham election look like a triumph of democracy! I mean, I hear some Iraqis didn’t vote. What kind of election is that? Not to mention the fact that a radical Islamic government didn’t get elected, even though Noam Chomsky says that’s what most Iraqis want. I bet their new government will just be a bunch of retired Haliburton executives like that puppet regime the US already installed in Afghanistan. I know I’d much rather be governed by the Taliban or Saddam Hussein than know one drop of my coun- try’s oil was being sold to the United States. My heart goes out to the people of those poor countries. Then there was the murder of the Lebanese Prime Minister in what was obviously a covert CIA job in order to give a shallow pretext for the coming invasion of Syria. Or maybe it was a pre- text for the invasion of Iran. Either way, I’m sure another invasion is coming. If you ask me, the only country worth invad- ing in the Middle East is Israel. It’s by far the most oppressive country in the region. That Ariel Sharon is exactly like Hitler. In fact, I cannot think of a single way in which modern-day Israel is any different from Nazi Germany. Time and time again, America just keeps trying to shoehorn democracy down people’s throats. It totally offends me. I mean, does it ever occur to Bush to ask the Arabs if they want democracy? Obviously they don’t, since Arabs are too primitive to be democratic in the first place. Oops, did I say primitive? I meant to say they have “alternative forms” of governance that we westerners don’t understand and should never criticize. Suggesting that the third world could ever be doing anything wrong is a form of racism and colonialism, you know. We should be supporting nations like Iran, Syria, and North Korea rather than condemning them. I mean, sure they may support terrorism, but America supported Bapista in Cuba 47 years ago, so Bush should hardly be pointing the finger. Besides, one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. Osama Bin Laden has legitimate concerns, but obviously the Bush cabal is too blinded by their own racism to pay attention. I mean, geez, 9/11 should have been a wake-up call for the US to stop supporting anti-Soviet resistance fighters in Afghanistan, as I understand that was the “root cause” of the attacks. But as far as I know, he’s made absolutely no moves on this front. Figures. And let’s not forget the whole Sudan genocide thing, which I also assume is US-backed in some way. Bush probably wants all the Sudanese to kill each other so American corporations can eventually seize control of the vast Sudanese olive fields without opposition. They did the same thing in Panama, so I guess we should not be too surprised. No blood for olives is what I say. Too bad you never hear about any of this in the “mainstream media.” Today’s media is totally controlled by the corpo- rate agenda. The only solution is to turn to unbiased, alternative sources like the Vancouver Marxist Times. It was in that paper that I learned that there was an Iran-Iraq wat in 1988, and America sup- ported Saddam! Can you believe that? The mainstream media is totally silent about this event that happened 17 years ago, but I guess that’s to be expected, considering all mainstream radio networks, television stations, and newspaper publishers are controlled by Jews, er, capitalists like Rupert Murdoch and Izzie Asper. I feel bad for all those gullible fools who believe everything they read. Not including my readets, of course. My propaganda is totally different because it’s left wing, and therefore completely justifiable. I will pause here for a moment to bring up some unrelated Cold War events for no reason. Did you know the CIA overthrew the democratically elected President of Chile in 1973? It’s true! And the US backed the Indonesians invading East Timor! Someday I'll go backpacking in those countries and ask every local I see about these events. I mean, I haven’t got- ten over them, so it logically follows that no one else has either. All I can say is that when I look at the sad state of the world that the US has cre- ated, it makes me glad that I live in Canada, this multi-cultural paradise of free healthcare and gun control. Of course, it’s not all paradise; after all, we still have to be on guard against that Stephen Harper and his neo-con plan to make Canada into the 51st state through tax cuts and military funding. But overall, I can still sleep soundly knowing we have a wise and competent Liberal government in Ottawa who remain ever vigilant in our nation’s ongoing war against the dark forces of Americanization. If only the rest of the planet were so lucky. March 30/2005