The Other Press Oclober 14, 1986. Page 11. 6 sas! you pick me vp aud smear me all over your self aud row me at cars? You almost in me | DR. DISCUSTO’s BAD SOKES ABOUT PAST DISASTERS. PUZZLE PAGE. GUESS WHICH RUSSIAN CITIZEN LIVES IN WHICH SOVIET city! MoS COW CHOIES | LENINGRAD , CHE RNOGYL, ©) ail ce AE) Les Autre FUNNIES Hey! Do you hate these cartoons? Do you think you can-do better? Well prove it! Draw cartoons for the Other Press! Submit to Room 1602. @@@ +0 @ @ @ to HAVE YoU EVE R, Won DERED.__.| OSes e wae MORE MEANINGLEss VEL THING) SOCIALLN Y DISGUISED As “TAINMENT, WHAT YouR FAVORITE RELEVANT ENTER- OTHER PRESS CARTOONIST S Vo IN THEIR’ SPARE TIME?. -« WHEN NopopY THEY KNOW 1S LookING ? |COME ON KIDS GET CLose So MOM CAN GET THE PICTURE AND.. WHOA. MARTHA THar's A Gun!!! ee Ee is NAME: VLADIMIR on NAME: UNKNOWN NAME > ALEYE! KARAMAZOV ; PETROVIT sa Seslltriene Jou : POWER SouRcEe WELL, WoNDER JOB : COMPUTER PRISONER NQ MRE... OPERATOR ¢ FAITHFUL PARTY MEMBER ity: BY DEAN M“Pherson cty city < a TAKE WIERD HALLUCINOGENIC HANG § FRO DRUGS wwicH, NoT suRPRIS— THEIR NOSE... Vey li? kiddy cat, whatchoo doin’ eh? You wanna Fren, eh? You lonely eh, pussy catZ You go nobody juss’ lik Sg oa L Come on home with me Kidd cat, Tl) lof youl “INGLY, INSPARE MANY OF } THEIR CHARACTERS... - | | ——— Graphic; Varsity | { take care AEN! WHO WOKE ME up? WHAT ARE You LOCKING AT? Get TOF HERE, GO READ WNGELSE , LIKE soreTn 2. GO ON, TURN: Le THIS IS THE 1 ...-DAMNED oe Cer J } Mi, ong to smother you and eat you aS Q-— > Soon 25 you pass Out ,wino. ; “Just give me a fucking peanut” i (eee ee EOS RE +4 British Columbia Politics, BY CHRIs Deer ’ ’ soe AO neo-Nazi Fascis pa ee oer trying to enslave people... nature of BC. Politics. Here is my analysis of the situation, intwo parts: . In BC., you are either... 4 “A —_ | ©1996 Chris Brown, DL No HORS D'oEpourveS LEFT ? | GbESS WEILL JUST HAVE TO EAT THE CHILDREN. 3 or a tetalitoarian com- munist trying to ens lavel LP yor dout Fall into either Grovp You will be tolo to uw 0 ‘Go to Russia’, ° ‘Go to the States” where you will presumabl fit in, but that is not likely. i : ry, @ ‘GSEs Wy} \ OVER- REACTING