rs December 9th 1981 to 1982 Reproduction No copyw John K. Gilbert. There are no copyright laws on the human form or spirit. | - For some reason that>leads most people to think that they should just go ahead and reproduce. It is not like taping the hockey game on the old Betamax. Reproduc- ing humans is a lot easier. and a lot more fun for those who are not hockey addicts. There is still the problem of the quality of reproduction though. Although the form is not too much problem - not toomuch problem, that is, for those mothers who do not insist on their right to cont- inue their favourite bad hab- its such as consumption of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, barbiturates, etc. - the more elusive aspects of what it is to be human are a little more difficult to deal with. Not only can mother’s bad _ habits af- fect the child’s in utero devel- opment, but both the parents’ bad habits, especially those of thought, or lack thereof, can adversely affect the child’s development. In some of these cases the repro- duction can be too faithful for the benefit of anyone, except of course the benefit of the parent in terms of ego grat- ification. Most parents don’t really care about the potential child before it is created. The reason that they -don’t ~ really care is that the child is not being produced con- sciously for either the benefit of itself or the human race as ~ awhole. It is being produced for the benefit of the parent. Perhaps the main semi- conscious (as opposed to fully conscious that is the result of a long affectve and reasoning process, or completely un- conscious in terms of basic instinct which is itself more motivated by sensual grat- ification) reason for repro- duction is that of conformity. | hear the chorus of bleats of protest; | have been hearing them from the beginning. The desire to fit in with the rest of society for the mere sake of doing so is one of the most despicable motive that | can think of (second only to the desire to destroy society for the mere sake of doing so and on a perfect par with being different from society for the mere sake of doing so). Other less-than-altruistic motives for reproduction are}. to have someone around in your old age (that one doesn’t appear. to pan out in our society anyhow), to have someone to love because no one else-appear to (with this | motive, it is easy to see why no one else takes the spont- anaity out of the act of making love (who the hell says it has to be spontaneous, some of my best relationships with the opposite sex have been quite premeditated. on both parties’ sides). In light of these considera- tions of parenthood, the all too common _ response . to one’s .declaration of non- parenthood and continued non parenthood + of ‘‘How selfish’’, seems a little sus- pect to say the least. | can hear parents repeatedly com- plaining of the pains of parenthood, often in earshot of their confused and hurt looking offspring. This con- fusion and hurt has been faithfully reproduced in them’ because their hurt and con- fused parents somehow sem to prefer hurt and confusion to thinking. _.|-hope to have-a child. or more one of these days. But I. will not do so until | find a partner who is willing to ensure, with me, that the offspring of our union can have a reasonable intellect- ual, emotional, and financial start in life. The financial rite laws here part of that does not mean\ The Other Press that | am prepared to become a real estate salesperson or‘ something like that to allow me to reproduce. | would not want to add to our already Overparasitised sociey any- more with a parasitic, exploi- tive attitude. The females in our culture especially get repeatedly shit upon by well meaning members of this glorious forward looking so- ciety of ours for choosing not to reproduce. But then our society generally takes a lib- eral crap on anyone that makes an informed choice that the crapper does not understand (because he or she is not informed in most ‘cases). Statistics Statistique Canada Canada iv Writing , a 60-page | booklet from Statistics Canada, will guide you to almost any economic or social data you seek. Cost: $1 to cover handling. For your copy, visit or write Advisory Services Statistics Canada 1145 Robson Street Vancouver, B.C. V6E 3W8 Page 11 NOW YOURE 19. YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN TOMORROW? WELL... So you're on the Provincial Voter's List. You think you have the right to choose just because you've registered to vote? You're crazy. Just look at your nearest Legislature or Goverment Agency. Put it off. Don't do it You have no choice in tomorrow. Chief Electrical Outlet Empire of Bill Bennett SOUTHE COMFORT ee ee —— Oceana ae ca eta se gan dna a ee eS TG