cAMOSUN COLLEGE 4100 Foul Bay Road i yap 4X8 victoria, BL- 592-1281 0 COLLEGE Providing |SURE and CAPILAN ivities for ps5 Purcell Way tent North Vancouver ac. Vid 35 996-1911 Kamloops, pc. V2G 5 474-0123 COLLEGE or NEW CALEDONIA _ pond Avenue prince George ic. v2 1P8 562-2131 DOUGLAS COLLEGE Box 2503 New Westminster, pc. Val 5B2 520-5400 EAST KOOTENAY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Box 8 Developing ques meet the challen gist century. Cranbrook, BC. VIC BLT 4g9-2791 EMILY CARR COLLEGE T AND DESIGN nnston Streel, Vancouver, BC. FRASER VALLEY COLLEGE EAST CANPUS 45600 Airport Road wap 614 orting BUS NESS Chilliwack. BS. 792-0025 WEST CAMPUS 4ge44 King Road, B.A 2 yas SEA ey Supportin INDUSTRY i e. nppatstord. 53-7441 industrial 29 ABO lesh 4 on Vancouvel. Bc. VER 4) a 998-9TT\ . KANTEEN COLLEGE Helping per to us _ Box 03) gurrey,86-¥S CHANGE whether MALASPINA COLLEGE caused by new goo Fifth Steet technology 0 to Nanaimo, BCR new janguage 9085 f ORTH ISLAND LLEGE and different 156 Manor Drive culture. Comox, BC-VON BP 4g9-5591 workforce NORTHERN LIGHTS COLLEGE 41401 - Bin Street 1G. 4G2 Building JOB SKILLS to provide a equipped to meet the demands of the 5 one BG awson reek, D- modern workplace. 12-525) NORTHWEST MUNITY COLLEGE Box 126 Terrace, gc. v8G 4C2 635-6511 OKANAGAN cou 4990 KLO Road com Kelowna. BC. 762-5445 OPENING LEARNING \NSTITUT 76N\ Aderoridge \way Richmond, ex 129 979-413) Assisting adults by PACIFIC MA’ INING INSTITUTE 9g5 West Esplanade North Vancouver. pc. viM 1 995-0622 LLEGE providing f acic literacy portunities to improve reading, writing and math skills. =" qyR COLLEGES AND STITUTE... SBC yANCOUVER