Wen uiaie. UPCOMING EVENTS Douglas College Humanities Ivstirute Lecture FOUNDATIONS AND FUTURES: Civil Rights In Canada Irany Farrell (Political Science, Douglas College) Ilursday, Seprember 2%, 1986 Room 2707 121% liours Sponsorrd by the Canada Council ANDREAS SCHROEDER iiading trom Tis Novel, “Dustship Glory” lucsday, Seprembrr, 70, 1986 1900 hours Room |?2OQ | The Douglas College Arts Exhibition Advisory Commit irs PRESENTS THE FRASER RIVER SHOW Aw art exhibition celebrating the mighty Fraser River. October Ist thru October 7 |st, 1986 Opens in three locations on Wednesday, October 1, 1986 ar 1800 hours: New Wesrminster Arts Council Gallery in the Park, Arts Centre, Centennial Lodge, Queen's Park. Hours: 1700 - 1700 hours daily except Monday, Douglas College Performance Theatre Foyer anc Douglas College Library. Hours: Monday - Thursday 0800 - 2200 liours. Friday - Saturday 0900 - 1700 hours. New Westminster Public Library Gallery, 716 - 61H Avenue. Hours: Monday - Friday 1000 - 2100 hours. Saturday - 1000 - 1700 hours. Noomn at New West BAROQUE TRIO featuring: Carlo Novi, baroque violin, Kathryn Cernauskas, baroque flute Laurette Goldberg, Harpsichord A program of chamber music by J.S. Bach will be perlormed Thursday, October 2, 1986 1230 hours Douglas College Performance Theatre Everyone welcome, Admission is free!