INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / OCTOBER 24, 1989 a ee eee eee eee eee eee ee ee eee eee ee eee eran al) Vancouver native RANDY MACKOFF completed his BA and MA in criminology at U.B.C., but his ten years spent as a constable in the Vancouver Police Department provided him with a topic for his doctoral thesis. “Through my job I came into contact with many vic- tims of crime, and I became aware that research was needed to help victims of crime to cope,” he says. When finished, he will be the first police officer in Canada to doa PhD while on the force. He’s taken a leave of absence to continue his research, and to take up his posi- tion as Criminology Instructor at Douglas College. m “Music has always meant a lot to me,” says JOHN GLOFCHESKIE, who com- pleted Bachelor and Masters degrees at the University of Western Ontario before going to Cambridge to do a PhD in Music History. His interests range from C.P.E. Bach (J.S. Bach’s son) to Alban Berg but, he says, “My specialty is Schubert, and how one should play Schubert in an authentic style.” Glofcheskie spent the past six years at St. Catharine’s College teaching music theory and history, and the past four years in charge of the music program there, before taking up his new position as Music Instructor here at Douglas College. He’s glad to be here because, as he says, “There’s a very good atmosphere here.” ™ LARRY HANNANT became a his- torian because he is fascinated by change. “I'm trying to get my students to under- stand the critical cusp when change occurs, which is why the twentieth century is so in- teresting,” he says. Born and raised in Cal- Larry Hannant photo gary, Alberta, he completed his BA at the unavailable. University of Calgary and his MA at the University of Waterloo in 1981. After several years of teaching at the Loyalist College of Applied Arts & Technology in Ontario and some freelance writing, he began work on a PhD at U.B.C. in 1985. Hannant is History Instructor at Douglas College while continuing work on his doc- toral thesis, which is an examination of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and its screening system.