ees (b) (c) (a) The Department of Government requiring the course should request the same through the Department of Education who would then allocate the course to the college involved and participate with the college in the creation of the curricula. (ii) For programmes designed for the disadvantaged and those requiring rehabilitation, the organizing and funding should continue to be co-ordinated by the Department of Education. Provincial Departments of Health & Hospital Insurance Services and the Department of Human Resources have statutory responsibility for individuals in distress circumstances and will make referrals to programmes through the Department of Education. With agencies external to Government With the exception of the Federal Government and the Provincial Government, all other agencies should deal directly with the Regional Colleges. Department of Education For the present and in the initial stages of the melded colleges, the existing arrangements between the colleges and the Department of Education should be continued. It. is essential that in every way the local autonomy of the college should be recognized and protected. Department of Labour In respect to those vocational programmes sponsored by the Provincial Department of Labour, the Department of Education should continue to co-ordinate the programmes within the principles of agreements presently existing between the departments. General In general, Colleges will negotiate directly with Federal Government Agencies such as the Department of Indian Affairs in all inatters; however, since agreements exist between the Province and the Senior Covernment for major programmes sponsored by the Department of Manpower & Immigration on which the Province depends for substantial funding of vocational programmes, the existing arrance- ments for purchase procedures and contracts should remain.