Stuck in Life&Style. Old spice, and not in that man-on-a-horse kind of way By Laurel Borrowman Life & Style Editor I have way too much stuff. You probably do too. Stuck in Purge-atory is a weekly chronicle of the quest by my roommate Emily and I to get rid of extraneous excess in our lives by giving away or throwing out one thing everyday until the end of time. Warning: This gets a bit gross. last entry in Purge-atory. If you noticed, I apologize, and assure you I’m back on the wagon. If you didn’t, I don’t apologize, and assure you I’m back on the wagon. Either way, it’s for the best because a key component in this week’s purge was the passing of time. A significant amount of it. The weird thing is that when it comes to this week’s items—dated edible things—time passes without me noticing. Case in point: this week. Several weeks ago, I opened the fridge, hungry. I opened a drawer, peeked behind the peanut butter, and shuffled the various containers (an assortment of glass jars) around, hoping to find something to eat. I come across a two-week-ish old tofu stir-fry. Grossed out by the | t’s been a few weeks since my slight film forming inside, I noted quickly that the jar is airtight and any smell is under wraps. I decided against eating, didn’t dispose of it, and put the jar back in the fridge. I repeat this routine a few times every week until... This week! I cleaned out both the fridge and the spice cupboard, and it was disgusting. My reasons for tackling these were two fold. The first is clear. My aforementioned trip to the fridge became all too normal, and there was more old gross food sealed neatly in jars than anything edible. The second? We started to get grain moths (an accurate moniker; simply moths that feed on grains). Granted, our abode is an old apartment and I think the age automatically exacerbates anything gross (or maybe that’s my excuse), but I don’t think we're getting grain moths only because it’s old. It’s because there are expired, stale things in the cupboard that should be thrown out. The spice cupboard held loose tea and bagged tea and jarred spices that I can’t even recall getting. There were spices that have moved with me three or more times. By my math, that means over four years, and that means that those are old spices. And not the kind with the dreamy guy ona horse with a handful of diamonds for me. I know this paints a picture of our apartment looking like a torn-apart frat house. I assure you it isn’t. But it’s pretty nasty how much food can accumulate simply because it hasn’t visibly gone bad, just stale. Think about it though; if your fridge or cupboards are housing something older than three years, do you really want to ingest that thing? Would you let a guest in your home eat it (without it being a dare)? I sure as heck did not. Here’s the list of things I flushed, dumped, and chucked from the fridge and the spice cupboard this week, along with the estimated age and colour alteration, if any. The measurements on the fridge inventory refer to the height in the jar that the science project occupied, just to give you an (extra gross) idea of how much I was getting rid of. Fridge (all items contained in sealed glass jars): 2 cm of white beans, five weeks old, quite filmy 1 cm of tofu stir-fry, two weeks old, as normal looking as tofu stir-fry can ever look 3 cm of tomato chutney, five months old 3 cm of quinoa salad, two weeks old 6 chilli peppers, unknown number of months old, quite fuzzy 3 cm black beans, at least two months old, borderline grey creamed corn, over 10 months old, top half is pink Old Spice cupboard (mostly a reorganization project): 5 shakers of various archaic spices 1 large Ziplock bag of mixed bulk spices, flavours unknown 2 bottles of rice vinegar 1 small bottle of imitation vanilla extract (because for some reason we have three large bottles of real vanilla) Days in Purge-atory (not including hiatus): 93 Items purged this week: 10ish, and a confident thwarting of food poisoning Items that didn’t actually leave the apartment (mostly went down the toilet): 0 Total items purged this week: 10ish Total items purged to date: 309