THE OTHER PRESS page 9 ing over ignorance vision, heterosexual stereotypes effec- tively increase the already insufferable alienation of the homosexual. The ultimate insult of the heterosexual is a ‘‘play’’ on homosexual lifestyle. The prevalent accepted stereotype of the “insufferable alienation’ male homosexual is effectively cap- tured by the British army communique on the topic: ‘What is the greatest single factor making for success in battle or for efficient and well-trained forces in peace? It is morale. And what is the very foundation of morale? It is discipline. If these unnatural practices are made legal, a blow is struck at the discipline of the British Armed Forces at a time when we need the very highest standards of morale and discipline with these forces serving throughout the world. Take an infantry “officers are indulging in unnatural acts” battalion. Suppose the men know the officers are indulging in unnatural practices and it is legal and nothing can be done. Take a large aircraft carrier with two thousand men cooped up in a small area. Imagine what would happen in a ship of that sort if these practices crept in.’’ (G.B. 1965 vol. 266, col. 647) The apparent flaws in such argu- ments are numerous. Within the Greek and Roman armies of antiquity, homosexuality was legal and yet there | was no decline in army morale or _ | effectiveness. The Roman army was so 1 effective at keeping the peace that it lasted for over 800 years. Further, to = claim that homosexual men are more || promiscuous than heterosexual men is _| clearly unfounded and is deliberate || hearsay. “God is finally ‘getting even.” To claim that God is finally ’’ getting even’’ with the sodomites by inflicting the sinners with AIDS is another means of justifying inequalities between homosexuals and_hetero- sexuals. This God-given plague to the dice in the 20th infidels is clearly not a factual reality. According to the World Health Organi- zation, homosexuals account for only 70 percent of U.S. AIDS cases. 30 percent of the cases are hemophiliacs and Haitians who have committed absolutely no ’’crime.”’ The reality of the homosexual seems clear: he or she is the subject of a. power struggle between groups which for their own purposes of power, criminalize the behavior. On a higher level, all homosexuals do is to show their love and respect for each other in a fundamentally different way. Yet, the moral majority sees fit to enforce a> Oy fs \ C) OX x 4.24 \ 4 \ 0 C vO os a oS 4 oe) o ° e 7 . 4 e°, C OX OO © © A © © + 0 ea eo? \ x 5 Se ~S . o $ be 6 x Ye ‘ os Oe > ( J @: 4 a bg a Ned their status quo and not to turn other cheek. THE VANCOUVER GAY COMMUNITY CENTRE The main jumpoff point for community services begins at the VGCC, located at 1349 Burrard Street. The gay library, legal advice clinic, SEARCH counselling centre and youth group yperates out of this building. Their ohone number is 689-1039. THE LESBIAN INFORMATION LINE The LIL can be reached by calling 734-1016. The following women’s groups are only a few of those that can de contacted through LIL: Bisexual Women’s Group, Rights of Lesbians, Women’s Health Collective, Rape Relief (call 872-8212), Women Against — Violence Against Women (phone 875-1328), Gazebo Connection, Les- y, Be CRC) AAP KK Se oS2 oer 504 & oo o 0 oe <5 AN x 5 5 ve 4 Ot K bians Against the Budget and others. THE VGCC LIBRARY The Gay Library has an extensive volume of books on all aspects of gay and lesbian history, sexuality, liter- ature, contemporary issues, etc. The library is located at 1349 Burrard Street and is open from 7:30 to 9:30 from Sunday to Thursday. Books can be taken out on loans. ( oo os. C) . 9 . eG 3 44 os S a % C) oe ote a4. nt 38 « C i 9 ‘ \/ 4 , \ / K? 9 R 2 A =} 3.05 O % 0 a es () x \/ K2 O ws O54 C ial Ox 0, & \) Cer \/ ( 4 3 ce - = i eres. ) os 9 x 5.09 05.05.05 AN v oO © XS YY o C) @ © rs o, O o | o yg A @ 4) f) a So @~ 5 } en O Vy C2 C? O OO * ~~) OO > o C) ~ cS + KS R S05 DS rc x) 1) se ci RY re ( LITTLE SISTER’S BOOK AND ART EMPORIUM 1221 Thurlow Street: Little Sister’s is a new store and is western Canada’s largest gay bookstore. A wide selec- tion of books and current records is available. DO YOU AGREE? . The Other Pressis genuinely concerned with the views of itsreaders. This feature isthe first inaseriesof thought-provoking analyses of the issues that shape and moldourlives. The OtherPress would sincerely appreciate receiving your correspondence onyour feelings about the coverage ofthis particular issue. 1, Do you feel this article had definite biases? 2. Wasthe subject matter offensive? Address all correspondence to The OtherPress_ For further listings of gay and lesbian community services contact SEARCH at 689-1039. juman Rights coordinator. Room 1602.