MAD HATTER 11 NEW AUDIO VISUAL ACQUISITIONS (Cont'd) Reefs: Past to Present: The program follows geologists as they piece together evidence concerning an area that was a barrier reef 230 million years ago, but is now an arid region. Microscopic analysis, topographic maps and cross-sectional drawings assist in under- standing the origins of the reef and its importance as a source of oil and gas reserves. Plate Tectonics: A Revolution in Earth Sciences: The theory of plate tectonics helps to explain some of the most violent activities on the earth's surface. This program uses animation and visits to sites such as the Alps and active volcano areas to explain the theory of plate tectonics and shows how scientists measure the actual move- ment of the earth's surface. The Alps: Part One: The Alps provide dramatic examples of structural geology. This program concentrates on the Helvetic Alps to show the process involved in field observations as geolo- gists piece together the complicated structure of the region. HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK 2 video cassettes 225 mins. 45" VHS In this tragedy, Shakespeare uses a tense drama of murder, conspiracy, and revenge as a medium for inquiring into the most fundamental problems: justice, guilt, madness, death, and the difficulty of understanding oneself and others. Part of the "ShakespearePlays" series. THE SILENT MINORITY 3" VHS 26 mins. Recent surgical breakthroughs bring fresh hope to victims of Down's Syndrome. The condition remains incurable, but speech and other defects can be corrected, enabling children to integrate more easily with the community. HR:jrh