MAD HATTER 13 @ RECENT AUDIO VISUAL ACQUISITIONS November, 1986 Women in Sports 16 mm 28 mins. The film explodes the myths about women's lack of strength and endurance and traces women in sport from the ancient Amazons to historic and current champions. Comet Halley 5" VHS 60 mins. This program explains how scientists worldwide prepared for the arrival of Halley's Comet which was visible in the latter part of 1985 and early 1986. European, Japanese and Soviet spacecraft photographed and collected particles of the comet. Astronomers speculate that these will provide clues to the origin of the universe. The Creation of the Universe &" VHS 88 mins. © Science journalist Timothy Ferris identifies and explains some of the most challenging ideas and theories of contemporary science that are offering clues to the origin and evolution of the entire universe. The program uses special effects, animation and interviews with renowned physicists to explain these complicated theories to the “lay" audience. A Test of Love 56" VHS 93 mins. This is the true story of an intelligent, disabled teenager who, through misdiagnosis, has been confined to an institution for the severely retarded. A therapist discovers the mistake and tries to get the teenager out of the institu- tion. Based on the book "Annie's Coming Out." Unraveling Inside Alzheimer's Disease (1986) 44 mins. 4" VHS plus supplementary material This documentary looks at Alzheimer's Diseasethrough the eyes of five families. It is developed along the lines of a support group, following the course that a family goes henge when one of its members has Alzheimer's. Included in supplementary materials is Alzheimer's Nisease, a family information handbook issued by Health and © Welfare Canada. MM: jrh 86-11-24