% CULTURAL IDENTITY CONFERENCE (cont 'a)® THEME: "The Other Quebec" | Gnd eapertents oe co tions conrERENCE sr25: John Abbott Gere Ps Hosted by John Abbott College w h Pea actionat support from Dawson, and Marianopolis Colleges. ecg ot iN the or cost: $190. - alt Pa lusive to partict- pants/affiltated with the A.C.C.C. « $205. - all inclusive to partici- Pants nov affiliated with the A.C.C.C. $ 20. - additional for single accommodatton Meee ee ee Oe ~ SPRING CONCERT SERIES THE THEATRE, ROBSON SQUARE FRIDAYS, 12 Noon, May 9th and 16th ee June 6th and 13th, 1980. Vancouver audtences will have an Oppor- tuntty to hear the internationally recognized Purcell String Quartet in four free noon hour concerts this spring. Simon Fraser Universtty's Quartet-in- re L wtll perform at the Theatre, idence Square on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. May 9th and Léth; June 6th and 13th. Ree kik ee KX. "I am pleased to announce that Don McEachern has recently been ap- potnt d to membership of the Commtttee on 4 . ee oC the er natio ob C Reg Pridham" eirie oe MEETING CANCE!!! En Ze ity & Staff Due to a conflict dth bnother meettng, the Surrey Campus Meeting scheduled for Monday, May 5th, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. tn Room 407B, hae been cancelled. a at kkk