DATA COLLECTION With the assistance of our Regional representatives and Board members in each Province the National Office has now collected information on College Acts and Legislation, Program offerings and Calendars, Salary Grids and Contracts for ALL post secondary non-degree-granting institutions in Canada and regularly handles requests for course information, job availability, national trends and innovations frorn students, faculty, governmental agencies and departments locally, provincially, nationally and internationally. RESEARCH In addition to the research carried out in conjunction with the Yearbook public- ation on Community College students, we are presently proceeding with the plans for two Federally funded research projects: one to develop an ''Evalvation of the quality of graduates of the Allied Pealth Programs in the light of Comm::nity Requirements" and secondly an ''Occupationai Manpower review of emninyment natterns of Gracvates", REPRESENTATION AND LIAISON Through formal liaison the A.C.C.C. is represented on the Metric Commission, the Canadian Medical Association's Accreditation Committee on the Allied Health programs, the National Council of the Canadian Society of Lab Technicians and has co-operative relationships with more than 25 Provincial and National Associations and Agencies in areas concerning College Education in Canada. We are currently investigating areas of co-oneration with the Executive of the Canadian Vocational Association and the Board of the American Association of College Trustees. NATIONAL STANDARDS Through direct input the A.C.C.C. is involved in the crucial question of Accreditation for Allied Health Programs in Canada. The Association will hosta meeting of renresentatives of all Health Science pic. ams in the Colleges on February 12 and 13 to prepare: a unified, co-ordinated position ar the Health Programs Branch of the Department of National Health and Welfare. All Colleges are now being informed of the details of this item. GRANTS With the cooperation of the American Association of Junior and Community Colleges and the Rockefeller Foundation the A.C.C.C. is involved in a project to provide financial ~ assistance to Canadian Indians holding teaching positions in the Colleges wishing to gain administrative experience in institutions other than their own for one year internships. Details are now being forwarded to interested Colle-cs. : : ona IB EXCHANGE, TRAVEI. AND MOBILE LEARNING PROGRAMS The A.C.C.C. has and is assisting faculty, students and administrators in making valuable contacts for Mobile Learning programs and exchange programs. BOARD COMMITTEES The Executive Committee at its meeting in December has approved the operation of various Board committees for the continued involvement and efficient operation of the Association. These include: Financial Resources Committee (chairman: J. Haar): Yearbook (Chairman: R. Lafleur); College Canada '74 (Co-chairmea: L. Talbot and G. Sainty Constitution (Co-chairmen: A. LeSlanc and R. Burns); Allied Health (Cc-chairmen: L. Peszat and M. Orris); Metric Commission (W. Goyette); Technical and Vocational Programs (Chairman: T.B.A.); East-West Student Exchange (Chairman: P. Shragge). NATIONAL GRAPHIC ARTS COMPETITION The Association is operating a national competition for Community College Students to design an Association logo. The selection will be made in April with the winner receiving exp2nses to cover one year's free tuition. ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT With the tabling of up-to-date financial records at the Board Meeting in Québec the- financial administration of the A.C.C.C. is now stabilized and controlled, Written staff job descriptions. written outlines of the role of the Board and its Executive Committce have been approved and move the Administration of the A.C.C.C. toa mawve formalized and organized position. The burdening obligation of the microfilm unit has been alieviated and with the National Office enjoying the hospitality of Sere ca College and the salery support of Centennial College, we are indeed ‘rounding the bend". Now it's up to you - we are well on cur way to clearin< a rather large accounts peyable obligation but in order to continuc with the activities listed here we must count on the Colleges to fulfill their obligation to your Association - and itis yours: It must be supported through ful! Institutional Support not by token indiv.duai personal membership. It requires your immediate support to allow it to continue its National role - a role rot fulfillable by existing Provincial Organizations. We think we can do more - we can improve our services - our communication - our job of assisting the Colleges in sharing their expertise, knowledge and needs - NATIONALLY, But your institution's support is required. Please advise me of your decision. : Respectfully, mmb : Allan Goldenberg, d Encl. : Executive Director.