OtherPress. Room 1020 — 700 Royal Ave. Douglas College New Westminster, BC V3L 5B2 TELEPHONE: 604.525.3542 WEBSITE: theotherpress.ca EMAIL: editor@theotherpress.ca STAFF LIST Natalie Serafini Editor-in-Chief Meditor@theotherpress.ca Eric Wilkins Assistant Editor Massistant@theotherpress.ca Angela Ho Business Manager Chris Paik Distribution Manager Cody Klyne Layout Manager Joel McCarthy Graphics Manager Ed Appleby iHustrator Jony Roy Social Media Coordinator Angela Espinoza News Editor Minews@theotherpress.ca Cheryl Minns Arts Editor Marts@theotherpress.ca Sophie Isbister Life & Style Editor Mlifeandstyle@theotherpress.ca Elliot Chan Opinions Editor Mopinions@theotherpress.ca NOW HIRING Sports Editor Msports@theotherpress.ca Sharon Miki Humour Editor Mhumour@theotherpress.ca Brittney MacDonald Cazzy Lewchuk Staff Writers Senior Columnists Steven Cayer Joshua Grant Jerrison Oracion Margaret Matthews Columnists Patrick Vaillancourt Andrea Arscott Contributors Allie Davison Julie Wright Mercedes Deutscher we Older but none t A I write this, I’m facing a countdown to getting my wisdom teeth removed. Less than 24 hours, and I'll have finished with another of those procedures, woes, and rites of passage that plague adolescence. The removal of wisdom teeth seems particularly paradoxical, if taken with that oh-so-convenient joke about wisdom teeth and actual wisdom. I’ve been gradually abandoning those aforementioned adolescent rites of passage, what with growin’ up, movin’ out, and takin’ on more of those adult responsibilities that nobody likes. Even as I get older though, and assumedly wiser, any alleged wisdom will always be curbed by my youth. lll be staying at my parents’ for the first time since I moved out while I recover from surgery, and the prospect of returning to my parents’ for this procedure which is so closely associated with youth is : married or having kids, and ; staying in school as long as : possible to avoid entering the : “real world.” We inhabit the emphasizing how both young and not-young I am now. I live on my own, work full-time, go to school full-time, and my life © Getloknowus! © The Other Press has been Douglas College’s student newspaper since 1976. Since 1978 we have been an autonomous publication, independent of the student union. We area registered society under the Society Act of British Columbia, governed by an eight-person board of directors appointed by our staff. Our head office is located in the New Westminster campus. © The Other Press is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected through tutition fees every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member ofthe Canadian University Press (CUP), asyndicate of student newspapers that includes Ls It’s a bizarre tension : between moving away from : childhood and remaining : squarely in juvenescence, and : it’sa tension I expect I'll stay in : for years to come. As just one : example, Millennials’ financial prospects are uncertain at best: : we're slowly edging out Baby : Boomers; gradually paying off : debt accrued through studying : for degrees that are supposed : to hook us high-paying jobs : but which, in all likelihood, : won't present tangible reward anytime soon; and facing down : market insecurity created : by Baby Boomers’ financial : shenanigans. This should go : great, right? It’s why we're living with our parents, putting off getting papers from all across Canada. © The OtherPressreservestheright to choose what we will publish, and we will not publish material that is hateful, obscene, or condones or promotes illegal activities. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images used are copyright to their respective owners. he wi : decisions don’t always require : my parents’ approval anymore; : conversely, I will continue to : need my parents for financial : support (especially for pricy medical procedures, like the : looming orthodontic ordeal), : and I’ll always need their emotional support and advice. : nebulous territory of adults : with adult obligations, who : can’t quite function without : someone propping us up in the : right direction. : tension can be uncomfortable : and off-putting at times. : Grateful as I am that I can : accept my parents’ generosity, : I’m looking forward to the day : when I can be more or less : financially independent. The : freedom of having my parents to fall back on if I need to is great, but having moved out I : feel less and less like I should : take advantage of their help. As : : much as I know they’re always : : there for me, part of growing up is having those awful, : horrendous responsibilities : that nobody wants. I don’t especially want to grow up and : start worrying about silly adult : : concerns—did I use too much : hydro this month?—but I also don’t want to be a perpetual : Peter Pan. Unsurprisingly, existing in Staying with my parents, while delightful, emphasizes : for me how much I appreciate : living on my own. Don’t get me wrong, they’re wonderful : and lovely, and they coddle me : : just right when I’m recovering : from surgery; but my home : isn’t with them anymore. I’ve forged a home that’s with my > roommate and his cat, and our : rotating door of couch-crashers : following an evening of hookah : and snacks. My life is different : from what it was when I lived with my parents. Every time I see my mom, : she double-checks in her : maternally protective way if : I’m doing ok: “Are you alright? Do you need anything?” I do : miss my brother and parents, : living relatively close to them in the Lower Mainland but far : enough away that coming out : for family dinners can bea trek; : on the whole though, moving out was among the best things I : could have done for myself. It’s pushed me to grow up, in a way that I wouldn't have if I’d stayed : with my parents. While I relish : in visiting my family and being cared for as only parents can, : I'll revel in returning home. Hello gorgeous, alate regen Editor-in-Chief coc Ug 9) CEM] @ facebook.com/DouglasOtherPress (J twitter.com/theotherpress youtube.com/user/theotherpress instagram.com/theotherpress