Fashion Bi of Fiece’“heWeek The Snood By Stephanie Trembath, Fashion Editor Ti: of a fashion item that’s been brought Stella McCartney, Marc Jacobs, Burberry, and Missoni. Knit with soft cashmere and other fine wools, the snood can be edged with fur to allow for a bit of outdoorsy flair, or pinned at the chest with a pendant to hold it in place to add glamour to your outfit. In softer tones such as pale blues, soft creams, light browns, and olive greens, the snood is a versatile and uncomplicated piece to put together a polished outfit. For a more dramatic look, the baggier cowl necked snood in rich reds and black portrays a more medieval trend that looks very much like you belong in a Shakespeare play and, when worn appropriately, looks incredibly modish. Snood dresses became a big hit this winter; long knit skirts with the long cowl necked snood in the front and hood at the back. Cinched off at the waist with the belt and paired with a pair of tights and boots, the snood dress is another classic piece to add to your wardrobe. back, the snood made its big debut this fall and into winter of 2010 for the first time since the early 1920’s. Originally worn as a type of hairnet women put over long hair and knitted either with loose yarn or knotted lace, today the snood has been transformed into a more modern and cutting edge fashion accessory. This winter the snood is worn over the head and neck, and acts as a scarf or slouchy hood. At first this unique garment was only worn by motorcyclists and skiers, and was sewn with tightly knit fabrics, but later as there were more modifications made, the snood became one of the most sought after pieces on the catwalk. Despite its ridiculous sounding name, the snood has been featured in major designer labels such as The sex addict Part one of a two-part series exploring why men and women treat relationships so differently By Stephanie Trembath, Fashion Editor ver wonder why women get so Hess while men seem to move on more easily? Or why after a one- night-stand, guys get a high five while girls are left tearfully watching the telephone? I am limiting myself to stereotypes here, but it is a common knowledge that men are more capable at keeping sex separate from emotions and continuously sleep with someone they have absolutely no feelings towards. Ladies, let’s be honest here; it is not in our routine to go out and “get laid” on the weekend. To the guys I am offending, I apologize in advance—there are exceptions to every rule. Though more passive and emotional, in our day and age it’s not unlikely for a girl to ask a guy out and be the pursuer, but females still struggle with a very large part of relationships: sex. If you sleep with a guy too soon, then you’re a slut. If you don’t sleep with a guy soon enough, you’re a cock tease. Creating a balance between foreplay and leading someone on may be difficult; especially when you like someone and have a rush of endorphins. This isn’t even the main issue; the real problem ensues once women start having sex. As the saying goes “men are from Mars, women are from Venus,” and this is certainly true when it comes to the psychology of the brain, and the hormones and chemicals stimulated when in a relationship. Helen Fisher, Ph.D from Rutgers University in the U.S., has published numerous scientific articles on sex and relationships with a focus towards the biology of love and sexuality. Her studies show that it takes exactly 90seconds to four minutes to determine whether or not you like someone, with the majority having to do with body language and tone of voice. There are three main stages that relationships go through, says Fisher; the first being lust, then attraction, and lastly the most dreaded: attachment. In the first stage, sex hormones are primarily targeted, but during the second phase scientists believe that three main neurotransmitters are involved. In feeling attracted to someone your body increases its adrenaline and cortisol levels; which are also activated during times of stress. Clammy skin, racing heart, and lack of speech around your crush are all due to adrenalin. Dopamine levels are also activated, which provide an instant rush of pleasure that has been likened to doing copious amounts of cocaine. Serotonin is the last neurotransmitter involved, which is responsible for cognitive functions such as memory, and causes you to constantly be thinking about your new love interest. A study done by Dr. Donatella Marazzi, who is a psychiatrist at the University of Pisa, Italy, tested the brain mechanisms of couples who were in the beginning stages of a relationship. She wanted to see if the hormone levels of the couples were in any way related to brain functions of those with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Marazzi was successful in her research as the serotonin levels of the couples matched those with mild OCD. Marazzi’s studies proved that when in a relationship some people actually develop low levels of obsessive compulsive disorder over their partner. This could be one reason why girls analyze and dramatize everything, or maybe why men become stalkers; however these are only the first two stages which affect relationships. To find out more about the third phase, and how men and women are stimulated differently pick up The Other Press next week! 11