Dr Frankenlechinheimer Calls Out Gordon Campbell and Carole James Skippy McGuire, OP Contributor s the provincial election heats up and alterna- Ae tive parties, be it the Green Party or the Work Less Party, start to gear up to try and get their slice of the political pie, another new party is about to make a stormy debut on the BC political scene. The: patty, «led by -oDx m Roosevelt | P. Frankenlechinheimer, is the BC World Domination Party (BCWDP). Their goals are simple: turn the citi- zens of British Columbia into an elite fighting force of genetic mutants and super geniuses, and enslave the rest of humanity to build a giant super laser to destroy the evil mole people living on the planet Mercury. While these goals may seem simple, they are complex and require the help of every person in BC, willing or not. The BCWDP claims that while the Liberals and NDP waste time attempting to understand and work with people outside BC, they are missing out on the chance BC has to enslave mankind and utilize them as tools to fulfill their twisted designs. While “main- stream” parties tend to focus on healthcare, BCWDP focuses on genetic alteration. Where the Liberals favour financial responsibility, the World Dominators endorse abolishing money in favour of the strong, asserting their will over the weak in the form of mass slavery. Where the NDP is concerned about environ- mental issues, Dr. Frankenlechinheimer warns about the impending attack from the mole people of Mercury who wish nothing more than the destruction of the human race. BCWDP ask, “Isn’t it time BC realized its potential and voted Domination?” So, on May 17, think about what you want. Financial responsibility, or cybernetic modification? Healthcare, or a minimum of ten slaves (mostly American) working directly beneath you? Clean water, or protection from malicious beasts from another plan- et. This May 17, vote for a difference. The BC World Domination Party: working hard for you, and absolute- ly no one else. March 30/2005 DC Department Head On the Lam Toggler Pallison, OP Contributor he North Shore RCMP detachment has issued a warrant for the arrest of missing Douglas College administra- tor, Miranda Shakeman. Before disappearing, Miranda headed the newly developed Kayak and Cultivate Department at Douglas College’s Technical and Horticultural Centre (THC) on the shores of Deep Cove. She is report- ed to have been missing since North Shore RCMP released a warrant for her arrest on March 17 in response to budding evidence that the Kayak and Cultivate curriculum was stolen word for word from a_ similar department at the Holland Academic School of Hydro-Physics (HASH). During the developmental stages of the Kayak and Cultivate pro- gram, Shakeman had worked closely with HASH’s world-renowned administrator Leif Stemm. Stemm and Shakeman were arranging a joint venture that would see the start up K & C program at the THC use HASH’s own four-stage program. The exchange offered HASH stu- dents the opportunity to visit locally, billeting with THC students before both programs would embark on a three-week joint expedition of the Gulf Islands by kayak. In a brief conversation with The Other Press, Stemm said: “Miranda had recently contacted me saying that the Kayak and Cultivate pro- gram was cancelled due to impending liberal cutbacks. I found this news disappointing, as it would ruin years of work put in towards the joint venture. Since day one, Gordon Campbell has pledged his support for HASH and THC, shar- ing a common vision of higher education. But when I got wind that certain members from THC’s facul- ty were using plagiarized material to conduct the program, we were forced to protect HASH’s intellectu- al property. I am sorry it had to come to this.” www.theotherpress.ca In total, Shakeman is charged with seven counts of unethical prac- tice and copyright infringement under international law. In what police believe is a related incident on the night of Shakeman’s disappear- ance, a THC school custodian known as “Smilin”? Chuck Miner, who was going about his nightly duties, noticed a touring kayak was missing from the campus boat shed. Further inspection of the campus turned up missing plants and mate- rials from the medicinal and horticultural laboratories. Authorities describe Shakeman as dangerous, with violent tenden- cies, and ask anyone with information of her whereabouts to be cautious of her paddle-wielding skills and to immediately contact THC campus custodian, Chuck Miner, at keepDCclean@dc.thc.ca. Shakeman was last seen celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day, fully accented in green leprechaun apparel. ui