a cr press J. ALL OP Columnist Hello. For those of you accustomed to flip- ping to Opinions and scouring the pages for Exile on Main Street, you may be confused. While my name, like my predecessor, is also Jennifer—I am hoping this is where the sim- ilarities end. | mean, this column will be “TOTALLY different. Here, you will find a uniquely—slightly off-colour, often sex- obsessed—feminine perspective of the world. So where do the differences lie, you may ask. To this | say, “E-x-a-c-t-l-y.” Anyhoo, you dear readers, now have the opportunity to read my inner-most musings on a regular basis; sniffer’s row seats to the show of my life, if you will. In this column you will find stories about me, stories about peo- ple who irritate or impress me, stories about people who know me and stories about peo- ple who should know me. Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “Why in the hell would | want to read about this dumb broad?” You may even be entertaining the notion of disre- garding this column, just to piss me off. That, my friends, would be a terrible mistake. Think about it for a moment. A person this obsessed with self is bound to frequently make an asshole of herself. Now, who does- n't enjoy the antics of an asshole? Please! Allow me to sweeten the deal. | am shame- lessly honest about myself, revealing details you may wish you never knew. If you can fig- ure out who | am, when you see me in the halls you can snigger, point and laugh— whatever floats your boat. It gets even bet- ter—I am a student, | am poor and | have issues. I’m just like you, only better, because | have my own column! Here is a list of ten unsolicited facts about me (in random order): | am old. (Younger than 30, older than 28.) My favourite drink is Johnny Walker Black (on ice). My favourite politician of all time is Bill Clinton—hands down (and on my knees). My date-rape drug song is “Secret Red Canoe” as performed by Martin Tielli. The one person | would want to spend one night of raucous partying with is Dean Martin. | hate to cuddle after sex—but | do like a Super Big Gulp and cab-fare home. | was a vegetarian for 6 weeks in 1990. | masticate meat, and how! Sounds dirty, but look it up (you'll be disappointed). Despite my foul language, | do think that a >>> OPINIONS fi Broad’s Eye View lady should be a lady. i.e., no bodily func- tions performed in front of a man. Period. | have an unrelenting, dirty little crush on Alan Rickman. | love you, babe. So there you have it. | cannot promise you journalistic integrity or any brand of integrity for that matter. But, | promise you | will show up. And really, sometimes that’s all we can hope for, isn’t it? Send your warm fuzzies or cold pricklies to me at: broadeyeview @ hotmail.com >>>otherpress 07