March 24, 24, 2004 ‘Amanda Aikman Ci | re Editor Cobain interview co! aveniently Ten years va his suicide, Britain’s Uncut magazine has print- _ed a previously unpublished inter- view with the reluctant guru of for French television, reportedly quotes | Cobain saying he wanted to quit, Nirvana to play in his wife’s band Hole. According to the ance, Coban was planning on ditching more than just his band. No, don’t get excited, Tm not talking about Courtney. Allegedly, Cobain was planning on tossing out the “grunge” scerie alto- gether and changing musical direc- tions. “Tt might be nice to start playing acoustic guitar and be thought of as a singer and a songwriter, rather than a grunge rocker,” he said. “I ‘could sit down on a chair and play acoustic guitar like Johnny Cash or something, and it wont be a big joke.” Avril Lavigne vs. Hilary _Duff— popstar catfight. Why'd Hilary have to go and make Avril’s life so complicated? Apparently Duff has been like all, “Avril’s mean to her fans, and she make’s fun of them and stuff.” And Lavigne’s like all, “Hilary’s such a goody-goody she should totally mind her own business,” I cant wait to see this feud resolved; I so hate to see teen idols not getting along. Perhaps, drawing on their collective wisdom and expe- rience, Britney, Jessica, Christina, and Mandy Could organize some sort of interve that would help the batcling babes come to aceasefire, Appetite for litigation, =—=s_— _A US federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit filed by Axl Rose. Rose was seeking to prevent Geffen Records from releasing a Guns 'N’ Roses greatest-hits album on March 23. According to Rose, the label’s con- tract with the band bars them from altering any master recordings with- out the band’s permission. The suit accuses Geffen of both trade- mark infringement and_ breach of contract. Apparently the G N’ R frontman is worried that the “best of” release will hurt sales of the band’s upcom- ing album Chinese Democracy. Sure Axl, that’s why your new record is going to flop. Not because it sucks and nobody has any interest in you or your band anymore, but because _ of the competition with the greatest- hits album. Riiiight. Culture ° the other press” 9 S-Cry-ed Volume 2: The Alter Hunt Sure it’s only been a couple of weeks since I last reviewed S-cry-ed, but this series has certainly made quite an impression on me. The amount of depth in this series is staggering, but there was almost no hype or any advertisements when it came out last summer. So far, all I know is I’ve got to see more of this series, and my wallet is rather dis- pleased with me. The animation transfer to DVD was superb, just like the last vol- ume. The English audio was pre- sented in 5.1-channel sound while the Japanese audio tracks remained in the standard 2.0-channel stereo tracks. As for the extras, they kind of went all out, putting in a lot of new and different things. It was inter- esting for once, to actually be entertained by the DVD extras. First off, we have two Japanese pro- mos for S-Cry-ed, both of which are fairly long and do a decent job of setting up the series. They're interesting to watch, but not really needed on the second DVD. Also included are these character music videos, which are just a bunch of scenes hashed together while the opening music plays. They also had this thing called a sound comic, where they took a chapter form the manga and the voice actors read out the parts. But its only in Japanese so there are now English subtitles, and it’s kind of redundant in English since youre reading the subtitles for someone reading a comic in Japanese. It’s a comic again essen- tially, since you've still got to read it. I was also impressed with the design gallery that gave character sketches and profiles; it was a slight cut above what you normally get in that department. And finally, since S-Cry-ed changes the opening for each episode, instead of one clean open we get five. I can’t comment on the opening-and-closing animations anymore since they are standard fare, although perhaps one day I'll find something that doesn’t include them. At the beginning of this yolume Holy begins its Alter hunt and pre- pares to clear the land of the lost ground for the cities expansion. All of the inners, or people who are not citizens of the city, out in the lost grounds, are being herded up, forced out of their homes like cat- tle and used as slave labour. The story tends to take a good hard look at what people will do to justify their actions if they believe it’s for the greater good. We return to Ryuho of Holy who obediently follows their orders and believes that for alters to live with regular humans they must serve under them and not draw attention to themselves. While on the other hand we have Kazama, who fighting to protect his home and the people around him from the expansion of the city. As the strug- gle between Ryuho and Kazama still continues, we see more of the true face in Holy with its witch- hunt mentality in finding alters. These people aren't necessarily lawless savages like they are described, but much like any form of persecution, it works on the masses because people always fear what they don’t understand. But, in the end, you have a group of peo- ple invading someone else’s home- land, classifying them as sub- humans, and doing as they please with the populous. It seems this theme is destined to repeat itself in many forms. It’s taken an interesting turn, and I’m looking forward to seeing how Holy’s demoralize-and-con- quer strategy will play out in com- parison to past real historical situa- tions that mirror this. I can say one thing, this is prob- ably the shortest amount of time between finishing one volume of anime, to running out and buying the next volume. I’m fairly certain that speaks for itself. But if the story keeps up with this amount of depth, my wallet is going to be in a lot of pain. ae FPLATINUM e&oiirio Anime Laser Here’s the weekly focused look into what’s going on in the anime world. What's Hot Right Now: Tenchi Muyo GXP is popular and will have a large base of fans to accept it, but it’s a good example of running a series into the ground. It makes me ill just to think of the Tenchi Muyo GXP fact that they'll be running the same jokes into the ground that got old after ten minutes during the first series. What's Going To Be Hot: -hack//Legend of the Twilight is upon us. You've got to love Bandai’s decision to fill the sequel to one of the most thought-provoking series about human life and the Internet with overly cute characters. Sure a i] LEGEND OF THE TWILIGHT hack//Legend of the Twilight everyone is extremely cute, and the twilight bracelets look like a gold hex nut, but hey, it’s the story that counts. Too bad it made me so vio- lently ill when I tired to watch it that I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes. We also have R.O.D. the TV, well it’s really not a television, but that’s what they called it,. so it wouldn't be confused with the movie. Seeing as how it has barely anything to do with the movie—since no characters from the movie actually appear in the TV series—I guess this would be a bad example of trying to cash in on a franchise’s previous success. What's Hot in Japan Now: Everyone likes ninjas right? What if I told you Naruto had a whole town full of ninjas? Yeah, now we're talking. And with an expected episode run that will make Prince of Tennis look like a quick watch, Naruto is going to be around for a while. Page 13