xUll IN DEPENDEN. F Sruby | If you would like to continue your university education but cannot attend regular classes, you may study at home by enrolling ina aipianiae education (correspondence) course. “~ The University of British Columbia offers distance education courses. ina number of disciplines: © Arts: Anthropology Economics English History Philosophy _ ) Political Science Psychology Sociology Agricultural Sciences Education Forestry Nursing (Post RN) | Registrations in MOST courses are RECOPTES at two- mae intervals. ) ining eects ang ihe rourses ee eee Qeniges, UBC Access Guided Independent Study ‘The Uni iversity of British Columbia 2206 East Mall Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z8 | Phone 224-3214 (collect in B.C.) UBC is a member of the Open University Consortium of B.C. PLEASE POST |