t co A ory | re | Pee PULA WULLEGe { ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 3 ic . 1 tor Simulator, Orthopedic Traction, Various | Bike, a bicycle for paraplegics, will be on other simulators and filmstrips of Nursing display. activities. Demonstration Lab; Second year students will demonstrate nursing skills Faculty, staff, students and administrators and filmstrips of Nursing activities will will be on hand for informal discussions of be shown. Mastery Lab Room; First year stu-| any program area. dents will demonstrate nursing skills. ~| Also: A map of hospital locations used by students for clinical practise will be | , available for viewing, information on Nurs- B.C. S SECOND | ing Programs will be available. Psychiatric Nursing Students will give stress tests, CONSUMER Emergency Nurses will demonstrate Accident Prevention Simulation, Occupational Health HEALTH Nurses will show a videotape on Nurses in Industry, and the films 'Tales of Tomorrow CONVENTION our Elders' and ‘Birthing’ will be shown. I SOCIAL SERVICES AND ALLIED HEALTH BIGGER THAN LAST Film Festival: Selected films used in the | YEAR — over various programs will be shown on a contin- 40 speakers & eee | 30 exhibitors Basic Occupational Education - Food Services; Information table on this unique Occupation Program for the mentally handicapped. Child Care Counsellor: Demonstrations and displays of the training program, the career APRIL 30 & and community resources. Community Social Service Worker: An infor- | MAY 1, 1983 mational slide/tape show on the Program a- long with displays and career ee 1000-1800 hours Dental Auxiliary Program: Facilities tour and mini lectures on preventive dental . DOUGLAS COLLEGE health education. Find out about our low 700 Royal Avenue cost dental screening program. New Westminster Early Childhood Education: Story-time activ- ities for children and parents. Quality play equipment on display. Advice clinic on child-rearing issues. Slide/tape show of Calendar Proofing - preschool facilities. Student assignment displays. See our Early Childhood Education Last Chancel! !!!tt Centre facilities. Program and career in- formation. A last chance to view the Douglas College Homemaker Training: Program and career in- 1983-84 Calendar before it goes to press, formation will be on display. will be available Wednesday, March 2 in Room Human Service Worker - Mental Retardation: 1715. Program and career information displays. Physical Education/Recreation: Facilities Wiewing time is between 0900 and 1600 hours. tours, equipment displays, games and demon- |Your assistance in "checking things over" strations, mini tournaments, fitness classes.would be greatly appreciated. Program and career information on display. Therapeutic Recreation Technician: The Para Julie Beaucaire