Foe Mat (etter iron ge dh uy BACKGROUND TO THE FRASER RIVER COALITION PRESS RELEASE The Fraser River Coalition is a newly formed organization comprised of delegates from various other groups including the B.C. Wildlife Federation, the Sierra Club, the B.C. Federation of Naturalists, the United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union, the Richmond Antipollution Association, the Vancouver Natural History Society, the Community Forum on Airport Development, the Scientific Pollution and Environmental Control Society, and the West Coast Environmental Law Society. The chairman is Helen Boyce and the secretary is Dr. R.S. Stace-Smith. The Fraser River Coalition is concerning itself with environmental problems resulting from developments on the lower Fraser River Delta and Estuary. The Fraser River Estuary and Delta is the largest and most productive on the Canadian west coast; a coast that has extremely few significant estuaries. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of estuaries as primary biological producers for terrestrial, marine and aquatic ecosystems. The Fraser River Estuary is essential to the Pacific salmon fishery, a highly remunerative renewable resource industry. The Fraser’ Estuary is also a vital habitat for millions of migrating and resident waterfowl and shore birds. Furthermore, this area could provide immense recreational and educational opportunities to the large populations in the surrounding municipalities and cities if preserved and properly managed. The Ecological Sub~Committee for the Vancouver International Airport Planning Committee in a summary report published in January 1976, recommended a moratorium on Fraser River and Estuary/ Delta developments. The committee also recommended that “a com- prehensive policy should be prepared for both the management and the protection of the Fraser River Estuary/Delta as an ecological unit". There is as of now no moratorium on development and no comprehensive policy in place. There are however numerous devel- opments taking place on the Fraser River Estuary and Delta and it is these ad hoc, environmentally irresponsible developments that have compelled the member organizations to come together and form the Fraser Coalition. ‘As its first act the Fraser River Coalition in conjunction with Douglas College is sponsoring a major conference on the use of the Delta and Estuary of the Lower Fraser River. The conference will begin on the evening of Friday, June 17, and run through Saturday to noon Sunday, June 19. It will be located at the Richmond campus of Dougias College except for the Saturday dinner which will be at the nearby Richmond Inn. Our hope is that this will be both an information and action orifmted conference which will establish more clearly the problems gad possibilities that exist in the Lower Fraser River Estuary arf Delta area. | | i