ALL PERSONNEL | The Printing Department has been receiving ' numerous requests to either change current forms or print campletely new forms. If you are presently processing a new form or making changes to an exsisting form contact the Printing Dept. first, other departments may also be using the form and not wish any changes or there may be a substantial quantity of a particular form in stock in which case there has been an unnecessary waste of time and money. When generating a new form or making changes to an exsisting form the Printing Department requires the signature of a Department Head. All requests for the above must be presented on the Flyer, Brochure, Department Document, Form G1-001-102x. SAMPLE PRINTED BELOW Date required A a qu: PRINTING Job No { REQUISITION AND APPROVAL ~ [ QUANTITY FLYFR, BROCHURE, POSTER, DEPARTMENT FORMS AND DOCUMENTS | | Totel Cost Fatimace (Secure from Printiyg Department) STANDARD SPECIAL. —. § $ Flyer $ $ $ $s “ OO —_—$——— su . Ss. a Department nm — _ ‘Documents ————— . 5 _ Fatimate Actual Name of Project: ae Department: Originator: Authorized Department Proofreader(s): ' Deliver To: FLYER/POSTFR_ APPROVAL RROCMUPE APPROVAL Date: Date: _——- — Dirnctor of Continuing luucation Chairman/Director (Copy to Publis, Inforertion) ———-—— — Public Information Chatrnan/Director DEPARTMENTAL FORM/DOCUMENT APPROVAL Dean of Curriculum and Instruction and ——— Dates Dean of Continuing Fducation a Department Head . This estimate for copy as presented, dors not take into consideration any future changes in LAYOUT, SIZE, INK COLOURS, TYPESETTING OR QUANTITY 61-001 -102« FORMS AVAILABLE FROM PRINTING LEGE LIBRA ia colle pousLAS ARCHIVES