please do not hesita WILLIAM L. DAY/rg he tt MEMORANDUM ALL DIRECTORS DATE: November 20, 1975 William L. Day, Dean of Curriculum. STATEMENT RE VARIATIONS FROM POLICY - COURSE AND PROGRAM OUTLINES The College-wide Curriculum Committee at its meeting of November 10 approved the following statement as adequately allowing for variations from policy, while preserving an adequate level of commonality and College-wide standards: “Where, in the opinion of a Divisional Curriculum Committee, a variation from College-wide standards or prescriptions is desirable, a memorandum describing such variation in detail and the rationale for this variation shall be attached to the course or program outlines submitted for approval to the Dean of Curriculum. The Dean of Curriculum will circulate such outlines and the attached memorandum to the Heads of all Divisional Curriculum Committees for information, in order that any concerns can be brought to the College-wide Curriculum Committee for discussion and decision regarding the vartation. If no such concerns are received from members of the Committee or the Dean of Curriculum WITHIN 14 DAYS, then the submission will be approved. Where a variation from standard or prescription occurs without an indication from the Divisional Curriculum Committee by memorandum that it is aware of such variation and is prepared to provide a rationale for it, it shall be assumed that the Divisional Curriculum Committee was not aware of the variation, and therefore the outline will be returned to the Division for reconsideration." If you should have any concerns, or require further clarification, to contact my office. Heads, Division&l Curriculum Committees D.A. Porter G.C. Wootton . . RSV 25 (975 p. oe §