DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES BOOKIL BTS “Am BILABLE Pacific Coast Franch, Canadian Railroad Hfstortcal Association P.O. Rox 1906, Station ''A’' Vancouver, %.C. PUBLICATIONS ee (At September, 1973) P.C. RAIL GUIDES These are duplicated booklets, letter sized, of some 10 to 29 pages with card cover. Price 50¢ per copy. ‘lo. 1. Historical Summary - Railways in &.C."" wo. 2. |'Preserved Locomotives and Rolling Stock in P.C. and the Yukon!! No. 3. '"'Ratlways in Mission-Abbotsford Area, Fraser Valley" Ho. A. Pence Sager oialiie Suees of the 1920's" fe Re sc eh TN tae alta Palen Saal No. G. "Selected Bibliography of Railways in 9.C." Pat A No 7 " ” : 5 MAPS (a) Large 40! wide X 32'' deep $2.00 (b) Small 29! wide X 16" deep $1.25 e@reeresreerrereeereeeseees eecerereereeeerseeoereeeeeseeeeee ererereereereeeesenereceeeee ees eeseos How to Order (i) Order by mail and make out cheques to: Pacific Coast Branch, C.R.H.A., P.O. Box 1006, Station 'A', Vancouver, F.C, (11) Please add mailing charges at the following rates: 1 booklet - 6¢, 2 booklets - 9¢, 3 or 4 booklets - 12¢, 5 booklets - 15¢, 6 booklets - 18¢, 7 and more booklets - 30¢. (it!) Be sure to send remittance with your order. (We just do not have the time to Invoice and follow up payments). Orders recclved without remittances, and malling charges, wil? not be processed. (Iv) Because of the complications of malling maps In tubes, maps will only be sold at the monthly Branch meetings.