eae OA ER PII. SS ae Dicom ING DOUCLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY : ARCHIVES’ | EDUCATION PO GOK 2503 NEW WESTMINSTER BC MEW WESTMINSTER CAMPUS 37 FECHMOND CAMPUS 273 Sea: SURREY CAMPUS 688-441 ADMISSIONS. 568-6008 BASIC LIBRARY SKILLS This five-session course develops skills in basic library operations universities, and colleges; staff who wish to upgrade themselves. PEE S19 As enrolment is limited, pre-registration is advised. For further information, contact the office of the Director, Continuing Education Programs, 588-4411. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BIBLIOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION CISBD) By early 1974, the Library of Congress expects to produce catalogue copy incorporating changes required hy ISBD for most materials. Will you know what to do with it? This Douglas College session is designed to familiarize librarians and library assistants with the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). ISBD is an extension of existing methods of describing documents, i.e., the portions of the catalogue record other than heading and tracings. The standard rules for composing this segment of the catalogue record comprise Part II of the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR). aA Eee a theres eee DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY HOW TO GET WHAT YOU DON’T HAVE: A WORKSHOP IN INTERLIBRARY LOAN PROCEDURES Discussions and practical work will focus on such specific topics as: how to cite the item; how to verify; how to find out which library holds the material; how to obtain special kinds of material. Enrollment is limited and contact the office of the Pre-registration is advised. For further information, Director, Continuing Education Programs, 588-4411.