page 6 | : The Other Press Monday, August 27,1984 OOOO oe eee August 21st, 1984 - The Other Press Douglas College P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L5B2 Dear Students: Itis my pleasure toextenda sincere welcome to allstudents, new or returning, as we begin our new school year. Each of you has aspirations for the future and expectation of the college.: I hope we will be able to assist you to achieve your _ aspirations and that we live up to your expectations. In this time of economic crisis, we have experienced the effect of financial restraint. Fourtunately, Douglas College has not had to reduce services this year and, therefore, we will be « making every effort to accommodate as many students as possible. © As we begin OUurnew school year, anew group of students will begin the task of producing your student newspaper, The Other Press. The Other Press is published by the Other Publications Society, and as a student of the _ College, a portion of your fees will finance the costs of Gerry DellaMattia, _ publication through a membership fee in The Other — Dean of Educational and Student Services _ Publications Society. You are the Society and I urge you to consider active participation through the several volunteer and paid positions available. You will find college faculty and staff committed to assisting you to achieve the greatest benefit from your studies. Do not hesitate to seek their assistance. I hope you have an enjoyable and satisfying term. August 22nd, 1984 Douglas College P.O. Box 2503 i New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Welcome to Douglas College ! You are entering, or returning to, a school of which you can be proud. Your faculty and staff are highly qualified, andenthusiastically dedicated toyour needs asastudent. You wili find qenerally excellent instruction, a first class library, high quality student services, and a good cafeteria. We are in hard times. You will notice evidences of this from time to time. However, you can be assured that the essential high quality of your education has been maintained, through the cooperation of the faculty and staff. Your student society is active, and provides provides an effective political voice. It deserves your support and involvement. Similarly, the college and the student body need an active, critical student newspaper. This can happen if numbers of students offer help as reporters and production people. Check with the Other Press office for information. . Douglas is an open community institution. Feel free to criticize, enquire and advocate change. It is literally your college. Become involved. . William L. Day. President. ——oooooeeeeee———eeeel"s_ooeeewelelel_l_eeee a S550 8BS5NS5 N6N0N60—0aeeesSeeeeoeeeeooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OO