Nicaragua project continues successful third phase Emilia Ruiz from the Nicaraguan Institute for Research and Popular Education works with Jamie Gunn from Instructional Media Services on graphic design projects. Funded by the Association of Canadian Community Colleges, the Nicaragua project will soon move into the evaluation and wrap-up phase. he last training session for Douglas College’s ACCC-funded project with Nicaragua was completed in October. Emilia Ruiz from the Nicaraguan Institute for Research and Popular Education (INIEP) spent a month training in print materials and video production here. Ruiz spent most of the summer of 1993 training at Douglas College as part of the project’s second phase. Carmen Rodriguez, one of the project organizers, says that this training session was one of the best yet. “We did an evaluation, and Emilia felt that it had been for her better than her first visit because she had two years of design experience under her belt in Nicaragua. Everybody felt very good about the training. The intention was to give her an overall view of all the processes involved in producing materials, and for her to become coordinator of production of popular education materials for INIEP,” says Rodriguez. Ruiz spent the month studying graphic design and production with Jamie Gunn from Instructional Media Services, and video production with Tom Childs from the Library, both of whom have participated in training sessions in Nicaragua. Ruiz also went off-campus to help in the production of Latin American women’s magazine Alquilarre, where she did editing, proofreading, designing, graphics, paste-up, and took the magazine all the way to the printer. With the training now ended, Ruiz now goes back to Nicaragua and puts it into practice, says Rodriguez. “She wants to form an editorial board at the Materials Production Centre, which they haven’t done before. This will allow them to do some planning, rather than only reacting to requests for materials. We'll keep in touch and follow up, and in the next three or four months, Pll be going to visit and see how their materials are being used.” Year Three of the four-year project ends in March. The last year will be used for evaluation and wrap-up. The main concern will be to ensure that INIEP is self-sufficient, although Rodriguez notes that they are already beginning to take in contract jobs for popular education materials. I New service lets you stay on top of publications Keep abreast of your interests without spending your life surfing the Net or in the library: that’s the basic idea behind the Uncover Reveal Service. Not just another intimidating maze of mostly- worthless information, the Uncover Reveal Service is really two services in one: a huge database indexing over 16,000 different journals, and an interest- profiling service which notifies you of publications of interest to you. “Tt’s a marvellous service for anyone with an E-mail account,” says the Library’s Jean Cockburn. “The beauty of it is that you don’t necessarily have to subscribe to a lot of journals in order to keep on top of what’s being published.” When you sign onto the system, on- screen instructions show you how to create a profile of your interests. You can choose up to 50 titles for table of contents notification and 10 keyword search strategies. Every week afterwards, the Uncover e- mails you the tables of contents from the selected journals and the citations to any articles which match your keyword search strategy. You then have the option of either using the library to look up interesting articles, or just typing in your fax number and VISA card number if you'd like them sent directly to your home. “The library has paid for the overall subscription, so if you telnet to, it will recognize you as someone calling from a contracted library. Just be sure to wait 24 hours from the time you set your profile before you enter your list of journals.” Jean will happily sit down with you to help you sign up, or just send you the instructions. She can be found in the Library, or call her at local 5184.1