INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / JANUARY 22, 1991 Welcome Libby W. would like to welcome Libby Russell as a new member of Disabled Student Services. We are excited about Libby’s presence in that she has a unique educational background. Libby has a Masters degree in Developmental Psychol- ogy and a Certificate in Deafness from Gaulludet University in Washington D.C. In this Univer- sity, classes are taught in sign lan- guage, so it was a sink or swim situation for Libby. Obviously, she swam! Libby will be responsible for providing educational support to students who are deaf and hard-of- hearing; she will also provide assis- tance to the instructors who teach these students. Libby will be work- ing part-time and can be reached at local 5149. @ Inside Douglas College is published every two weeks by the Douglas College Public Information Office. Submissions are due Tuesday noon for publication the following Tuesday. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Public Information Office, (604) 527-5323, Room 4840 at the New Westminster campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster. Mailing address: P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2. Douglas College Foundation — Internal Grants Application Procedures for College Departments The Douglas College Foundation has received a number of un- specified donations to be used in support of College activities. These con- tributions form part of an undesignated fund that can be used to assist departmental initiatives in areas other than student scholarships and bur- saries. General Guidelines 1. All projects must further the goals of Douglas College in meeting the needs of its students and the communities it serves. 2. Grants of up to $750 will be considered. 3. Foundation grants are not available for travel expenses. 4. All projects must be completed in the college year that the grant is received. Projects must not require multi-year funding. 5. If Foundation support does not cover all project expenses, additional funds must be secured before the Foundation grant will be released. 6. The decision of the Foundation Directors is final. 7. These guidelines will be reviewed by the Board annually to determine their appropriateness. Proposal Format 1. Name of person responsible for the proposed project. 2. Nature of project, including specific objectives. 3. Management plan, including time-lines. 4. Details of other individuals or groups co-operating and/or co-sponsoring the project. 5. Relationship of the project to department/ college goals. 6. Total project budget. 7. Support from other sources. 8. Amount requested from the Douglas College Foundation. 9. Names of references or other persons who may be consulted about the project. Applications must be submitted to the Foundation Office in Room 4800A by February 15, 1991 for review by the Board of Directors in §S- sais FOUNCALION