TO: Mad Hatter April 15, 1986. Temporary Relocation The College will endeavour to minimize the number of moves and will only relocate units when absolutely necessary. The intent is to avoid or at least minimize disruptions for students, faculty and staff. College Food Services With regard to Food Services for College personnel I.C.L. will operate a soup and sandwich bar in the Lounge (2847) in the South Building. If necessary an additional room will also be utilized. Prices for College personnel will remain at the present schedule. Fall Registration Registration for the fall semester will be relocated to a combination of Levels 1, 2 and 3 in the South Building. The Registrar's Office will be responsible for scheduling the needed rooms and also for notifying summer semester students of the impact of Ideafest. The Manager, Systems and Computing, will be responsible for the wiring of the room designated for computer terminals during the registrations period. The costs involved will be borne by Ideafest. Parking College personnel will continue to have regular access to the parking levels. The College will make reasonable efforts to accommodate patrons of Ideafest at the prevailing rates for non-College personnel. Building Access Both internal and external access will be somewhat complicated during Ideafest and College personnel will be requested to show their identification cards when accessing internal building areas through Ideafest. College personnel will no doubt determine for themselves the most convenient routes for travelling between buildings and avoiding the crowds attending Ideafest. Some may wish to use external access routes and others, particularly when equipment is being moved, will use a combination of North and South Building elevators and level 1. sxel D