RECOMMENDATION NUMBER SUMMARY INTENT 7&8 10 1] 13 14 815 Fixing of responsibil- ity for maintenance of administrative handbook Updating of Job Descriptions Morale Improvement More personal communi- cation with faculty, support staff, and students, in evening hours Morale enhancement via informal communication Speed-up and enhance- ment of decision making DOUGLAS COLLEGE ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE DECISION FOLLOW-THROUGH QUARTERLY REPORT - SEPTEMBER, 1985. COMMITMENT/ INSTRUCTION A responsible office will be named for the maintenance and periodic distribution of changes and additions in policies, procedures and regulations. Job Descriptions of management personnel will be reviewed and reapproved. All line administrators to be requested to provide "news" information to the College community on significant develop- ments and activities within Departments/Divisions. This expectation will be stated in instructions for evening administrators Deans and Bursar will be requested to devote a planned proportion of their work week to informal visitation, both at the Royal Avenue Site, and in Maple Ridge. At time of assignment of tasks, more care will be exercised regarding realistic time limits, and the balance between the value of immediate decision making, as opposed to consultative processes IN PROCESS/ IMPLEMENTED UNDER REVIEW NOT IMPLEMENTED TO DATE