ag Bee :: meee i f ‘ “ : SiO Ageia Poe, th we 3 “WORKSHOP ON THE CRAFT OF TEACHING This workshop ts designed for tn- 9 broaden and tne particular skills related ffective teaching at the post- secondary level. DATES AND TIMES Wed... “May? = 9: :00 aM. eee Thurs. May 8 - 9:00 a.m.-4 Prt.) Mey 8 ee 00 a. sm.a1: 00 FE ($195, Os ak HION DEADLINE 4>r 2, Oe ber 2 5. e complete the ts 1980 Calg oe +8: 6K6 OW: Phone (246-6470 oninds. oe al design Cori per annum. ective August 1, 1980. ¢ ed until ‘K7L 5A6 Kingston, “ontario This posttton ie open to both men and women. 2 POSITION VACANCIES (Continued) Administrattve Staff Term Appoint- ment, Professtonal Development Diviston. Qualifications: Publte school teach- ing expertence in Canada. Highly knowledgeable concerning education and skilled tn developing C.E. pro- grams for adults. Salary is negotiable in the $29,983- $42,032 range. Appointment Date: September 1 ora mutually acceptable date within two months prtor thereto. Term of up to 14 months. Only applications received in writting By 17:00, May 16, 1980 will be con- stdered. Include references. Write to the General Secretary, B.C. Teachers' Federatton 105-2235 Burrard Street Vaneouver, B.C. V6d 3H9 Both female and male appltcants are encouraged to apply. For details, write to Personnel and Administrative Services at the above address or phone metro: 731-8121 or Long distance: 112- 800-663-9163. Community Educatton Services Co-Ordinator for the Upper Skeena Valley/Hazelton Regton On Baculty Unton scale according to qualtfi- eattons and expertence Thite ts a ONE YEAR appotntment and will start approxtmately August 1, 1980 Salary: Starting Date: Please send curriculum vitae wtth names and address of references to: Dm, DeV. George, Prinetpal Northwest Community College Box 726 TORRAGE SBC . 635-6511 V8G 402 Phone: