eee EE Se A SA ep AMA od 2 RNAS soto Mn A, At wath RRR Nae DOUGLAS COLLEGE invites anptications for the foilowing jull-tima reguiar faculty positions: Aoplicants shouid have appropriate post graduate formal training/education or equi- valent experience. Teaching experience would be an asset. Closing date for applications — Aprii 30, 1979. ACCOUNTING Qualified to teach Accounting at the College level. . MERCHANDISING (retail/wholesale) several years related ex- perience. CRIMINOLOGY AND - CRIMINAL JUSTICE Police Specialist Law and Justice Specialist or combination SOCIOLOGY ; .Generalist emphasis on social process, theory and stratification. ANTHROPOLOGY Cultural-Social Anthropologist who has: specific knowledge of B.C. Native Culture. CREATIVE WRITING Considerable experience as a teacher and as a practicing writer. LIBRARIAN Public Service-Reference work and collec- tion responsibilities. Classroom orientation and instruction. ADULT BASIC EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR Retevant training and experience. special interest in candidates with teaching experi- ence from 0 to 8. BTSO curriculum in Math Science English Level !-iV. COMMUNICATIONS Special interest in the application of commu- nication theory and practice - practical re- lated work experience an asset. COUNSELLOR Career and Personal Counselling of stu- dents: teaching Human Development course in interpersonal Communications or Career exotforations. _ GRAPHICS AND COMMUNICATION ARTS Broad Commercial Art background — print/ Audio Visual Media. Qualified to teacn de- -gign and illustration. Technical knowledge of procedures and equipment. VISUAL ARTS Expertise in painting and drawing with com- petence and experience in related areas. SECRETARIAL ARTS Suitable work and teaching experience. HUMAN SERVICES Good academic background in Social Science. Considerable field experience as a practitioner in Human Services Field. Most appointments would be effective Fall Semester 1979. Salary range $17,875 — $28,986. Maximum starting salary for new faculty $22,967. Attractive benefit package availabie. eh pe wt -sagea gates Ben ee 5 SERED es 6: 4 pre nis couglas college Please apply in writing detailing education, work experience, per- _ sonal data and specific position applied for to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT DOUGLAS COLLEGE P.O. BOX 2503 NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. V3L 5B2 NOTE: These vacancies are subject to budgetary approval.