FACULTY PARTICIPATION IN SELECTION PROCESS FOR NEW FACULTY Each of the divisions in the College involves faculty members in various . Stages of the review of personal files to select candidates for interview, assistance in interviewing and discussion of the candidates leading to a short list. A heavy responsibility accompanying this prerogative is that of main- taining strict confidentiality with regard to any of the contents of the files. It is important that no faculty member discuss with any other faculty member or anyone in his family or outside the College, the names of the persons applying, nor any information about the application. This is particularly touchy when we have applicants from neighbouring educational institutions, no less important for applicants from Halifax. D.A. Porter CONGRATULATIONS - to the DC Potter's Club for an excellent exhibition and demonstration last weekend. Dear Anonymous; I received your letter re certification of the faculty at DC, but I will not print anonymous contributions. If you wish me to run your letter, please contact me at Surrey gocal 276. Eloise Lincicun, Editor NEXT ISSUE The next exciting issue of the MAD HATTER will be published for Monday January 13. So please have your copy in to me by Thursday Jan. 9. Tnank you and have a wonderful holiday. Eloise