5 COLLECE LIBRARY aa] pouc! wwe lye Vancomer Bach Ohoir PRESS “RELBEAS& November, (9: for. immesinve .tjease The traditions of Christmastime run deep and true within ox. western culture, "Beneath the commercialized tinsel lurks one of the few f=; we can still cherish as @ geniune folk tradition, Starting in early December, the Sights, smells, feel and tas:: << i+ pervade our senses. But the Spirit of Christmas is perhaps best re: cesunted by its sounds...Hark The Herald and Noels and Little Town of Bethieh-=n, , songs of a nobler, less complicated past, of cheer, humanity a:.; Povdiw3 17. And of all the Songs, Handel's Messiah perhaps sings the |fiies: tune, Generations have been thrilled by it since its first performance in 3442, Few can fail to be inspired by the deeply meaningful message, glorioue harmonies and Soaring melodies of this most favourite of all su see oratcrios, Little wonder, then that members of the Vancouver Bach Choir are sy often asked "When are you doing the Messiah again?" The answer is "This year". The internationally acclainei <+,.; 150 voices will perform the work on three Successive nights, and Sunday on December 14, 15 and 16. The first two start at : Sunday concert at 2:30 p.m., all at Vancouver's queen Elizatets nescra, Simon Streatfeild, the Choir's well known Musical Director, oth. asnduet the massed voices accompanied by members of the Vancouver Ssymthoay Orchestra,